Alberto Fernández has suspended his visit to Chile due to …


President Alberto Fernandez canceled the official visit he was going to make to Chile next Monday, due to the administrative segregation of his peer Sebastian piñera after coming into close contact with a positive case of coronavirus.

The president suspended the meeting he had scheduled with Piñera, in which it was going to be the first official visit to this country and the head of state’s first trip outside Argentina after the start of the pandemic. State trip to Santiago de Chile remains for now postponed without date

The arrival in the trans-Andean capital and the stay of the Head of State in this city until the wee hours of the afternoon of Tuesday 19 had been coordinated in detail by the two governments. The president’s agenda included a meeting with the Chilean president and hearings with the authorities of the Senate and deputies of that country, as well as with the president of the Trans-Andean Supreme Court.

The activities also included a visit to the municipality of Santiago and a meeting with the mayor of the Chilean capital.

The president’s trip could be postponed, although there is still no official confirmation on this.

Piñera, close contact of an infected person

Piñera, with his wife, First Lady Cecilia Morel, are in preventive quarantine, after having had close contact with an infected person who works from home.

In a statement, the press office of the Chilean presidency reported that the president and his wife “show no symptoms and that the routine PCR test carried out on Monday January 11 at 8:00 p.m. gave a negative result”.

Chile has seen a rebound in coronavirus cases for six days with more than 3,200 daily cases.

According to the latest report from the Ministry of Health, the country has 649,135 infected people and 17,182 deaths due to the pandemic, which began in March 2020.


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