Alberto Fernández held a bilateral meeting with …


the President Alberto Fernández this morning he held a bilateral meeting with his Colombian counterpart, Ivan Duque. It was as part of his visit to Bolivia participate in the inauguration ceremony of the elected president, Luis Arce.

Also attending the meeting were Foreign Minister Felipe Solá, Interior Minister Eduardo de Pedro and Strategic Affairs Secretary Gustavo Béliz; and for Colombia, the Minister of External Relations, Claudia Blum, and the Chief of Staff of the Presidency of the Republic, María Paula Correa Fernández.

The Movement for Socialism (MAS) won the first round with 55.11% of the vote in the elections of the October 18. Evo Morales’s party won almost double that of runner-up Carlos Mesa (citizen community), who obtained 28.8%, according to the official tally of the presidential elections.

The dedication ceremony will take place today Sunday at the Plurinational Legislative Assembly in the city of The peace, starting at 10 a.m. local time (11 in Argentina), official sources reported.

Yesterday evening, President Alberto Fernández closed his first day of visit to the neighboring country with a meeting with the Vice-President of Spain, Pablo Iglesias, with whom he shared a dinner which was also attended by the Argentine Minister of the Interior.


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