Alberto Fernández: "If Macri needs me, I'll talk to him tomorrow"


After the victory of the All Front at the STEP 2019 with over 47% of the votes, his candidate was interviewed by journalists María O Donnell and Ernesto Tenembaum. "Yesterday, people made a very clear verdict. Two-thirds of Argentina rejected the government", began Alberto Fernández.

"He did not call me Macri. There is a phone that is not mine. Frigerio wrote to me, who congratulated and thanked me, and also spoke with Emilio Monzó. These are the only two I've talked to, "he said immediately, when asked if he had spoken to Macri.

When asked what his decision would be in case Mauricio Macri called him to establish a joint strategy from December to December, the winner of the 2019 step badured: "I obviously want that the Argentineans cease to suffer. This government is only hurting them. If I could do anything to stop them from suffering, the Argentineans would do it, but … what can I do? I am nothing I am not even an elected president. I am only a candidate. My pen does not sign either decrees or resolutions. I do not manage the keyboard status. How can I help Macri?

Given Ernesto Tenembaum's reflection on the need to build channels of dialogue, Fernández's answer was clear: "The dialogue channel is absolutely open. I think that Argentina has to put an end to the watertight compartments in which we do not talk to one another. If Macri needs me, I'll talk to him tomorrow. But what I do not want is to lie to people, as it does. I can not solve anything: Macri will solve it. Now, what does Macri want?

"Macri says that he wants to continue doing the same. He is proud of what he did, I can not believe it. Four and a half million poor people have been created and are proud of it. He says that in the world they are scared for us, "said the candidate, answering the president about the sentence he made at his press conference, in which he said the markets collapsed. Monday for the victory of Kirchnerism.

"I will not declare the cessation of payments, of course I will pay, I do not want to fall into default, it is very expensive to leave the default, Macri has left us in default, if we had not the help of the IMF, we would be (in this situation). Macri's use of the Fund's resources was pathetic"He went on." Macri is the one who creates instability with his preaching. He gives a message to scare those he needs to accompany him. "

At another point in the interview, Fernández Chicanenene questioned the government about the investments made for the country. "What investment has Macri made? They went there every month – on a trip – and did not have a powerful investor. He only had swallowed capitals come in, make the financial bike and leave. "

"If I were the president, I would listen to the president-elect and do something of what the president-elect says because the president-elect was elected for a reason," said Fernandez at another time of l & # 39; interview. Maria O 'Donell had to remind him that he was not really elected president, but a candidate. "We need to change the business model. This economic model no longer resists. This business model does not have any dollars to pay as they do not export to Argentina. The field has a great harvest that they do not finish liquidating because they expect the dollar to be honest. "

After sending signals of proximity with Lavagna –"Lavagna and I think the same. Who would not want Lavagna on his team?– and to congratulate him, Alberto also stated that he was talking to Florencio Randazzo and said: "I am not Venezuela for the world: I have never been. Macri had the idea of ​​repeating this song and shooting himself in the feet. The president thinks only of the campaign, thinks only of polarizing, just thinking about polarizing the crack, because he can not think of another way. "

"With Cristina, we talked all weekend. Today, we met Axel and had lunch. We are looking at everything a little bit. We take it with a lot of responsibility and we appreciate people's trust. I do not see it as irrevocable: I will not be superb, and the truth is that the campaign is starting now, "said Fernandez almost at the end of the note.


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