Alberto Fernández: If Macri needs me, I'll talk to him tomorrow but I do not want to lie to people because now I can not solve anything


Alberto Fernández granted Monday evening an interview to María O Donnell and Ernesto Tenembaum in the Korean program of the Center, broadcast on At the time of the celebration of Paso, he gave an opinion on Macri, the words of the president in office and the economic policies of the national government. "I'm nothing, I'm a candidate I did not even pbad the first round My pen does not sign the decrees," said the similar formula of Cristina Fernandez.

"It's very impressive because half of Argentina voted us and it continues to insist that we are Venezuela," said the man who got more than 47% votes this Sunday, saying that Mauricio did not call him, but that Friger He sent a message to congratulate him.

"Of course, I want the Argentines to stop suffering and this government to make them suffer, but I am nothing, I am a candidate, he did not even pbad the first round My pen does not sign a decree. Macri think he can help? " Fernandez asked and said that "if Macri needs me, I will talk to him tomorrow but I do not want to lie to people because I can not solve anything for the moment".

He also stated that he did not wish to fail because it was very expensive to leave. "If we had not got help from the IMF, we would be in default." What Macri investment did he bring? He did not have a powerful investor. 39 he had, it's investors swallowed, "he said.

He also shot the president saying that he had created four million poor, formerly middle-clbad, and "proud of it".

"I know the state, I would not venture to say that Macri knows him, that's why things happen that way, he says that if I win, I'll build a Venezuela; Understood nothing, "he said.

To conclude, he said that when you walk the terrain, you see the complete silo bag. "People do not sell grain because they expect the dollar to be honest," he said.


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