Alberto Fernández in Rosario: We will defend Argentina as we did with Néstor in 2003


"Those same characters have left me in a maze with Nestor and you all. They left us $ 11 billion in real reserves and a currency devalued to 400%. We did it once and we will do it again. I will not do it, we will do everything", Harangued alongside Cristina Kirchner, Axel Kicillof and Santa Fe's elected governor, Omar Perotti.

Fernández has redoubled criticism on the economic policy of the government of President Mauricio Macri and returned to the idea of ​​increasing pensions and reducing the exorbitant rate of Leliq "I do not talk about economics, I talk about values. What society can we have if we live in a society that abandons its grandparents? Among the speculators and those who work, we vote for those who work and among the banks and pensioners, we choose retirees"

"I propose a Federal Argentina, which ceases to declare its status of federal country, that we begin to think of Argentina from within and not from my dear city of Buenos Aires. My greatest desire is that every boy born in any latitude of Argentina does not think that his people have any chance. I want all those born in Jujuy to be born, to grow up, to have a job, to found a family and to die happy in Jujuy", In a clear eye to the governors who accompanied him on stage.

In the end, he asked his activists to follow his leadership closely in case he was elected president:If I repeat what I said, go out and remind me that I will fail you"


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