Alberto Fernández: "In Venezuela, there are abuses, but you do not have to fill the country with marines"


During his visit to Mendoza, Alberto Fernández, candidate for the post of president of the Frente Todos, spoke about the report of Michelle Bachelet who warns against the violations of human rights in Venezuela. The former head of Kirchner's cabinet preferred not to respond to Mauricio Macri, who said that "those who are silent are accomplices". "I do not think about Macri's sentence, because the truth is that I do not speak for Trump to listen, Macri does," he said.

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But on the other hand, he acknowledged that "in Venezuela, there is a problem of institutional quality and we have to be careful"

"They have experienced a system of abuse and arbitrariness on the part of the state that can not go unnoticed, but the Venezuelan solution is not to fill the country with seascapes. or that someone proclaims himself president (in reference to Juan Guaidó). What would have happened if the yellow vests had proclaimed a president in France? "Continued Fernandez.

"I know Michelle Bachelet's correction and if she said something like that, we have to take it into account," said Fernández.

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But at the same time, he said that many forget that "in 2017, Cristina warned that in Venezuela, the rule of law was in crisis." "There is an acute problem and the countries of South America, honor the doctrine of non-intervention, What we need to do is help Venezuelans get back together. As do Mexico and Uruguay. We do not have to encourage Trump to send troops. "



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