Alberto Fernández is already thinking about the first day


Only 21 days have pbaded since the WWTP. In three weeks, the dollar went from 46 to 62 pesos. This increase has moved prices even faster than we are used to. It means poorer, poorer, less food to feed the millions of people who were already hungry on August 11th. In the same period, the reference interest rate went from 64 to 84%. Fewer businesses Less work Less consumption, less changa. Poorer. The wheel turns faster and faster. It stays 49 days before the elections, then 44 more until December 10th. Nobody can risk what will happen this Monday.

That's what they diagnose in the offices of Mexico Street, where Alberto Fernández set up his campaign center. As a result, the candidate and his or her closest advisors avoid giving details about the future. Without knowing the magnitude of the disaster that will live Mauricio Macri, it is difficult to prescribe prescriptions. "It is not the same thing to receive ten billion dollars less than the empty center, by default yes or no, inflation higher or equal to 50%, provinces paying wages or not, people demonstrating in the street or not. " The diagnosis is bad. The candidate stopped talking about reviving the economy. He understood that the process could become more difficult than expected.


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In that sense, he made the decision to start working early the day after the polls confirmed him as president-elect. He hopes to be able to count on this, with the collaboration of the government, even though, at this stage of events, Fernández is deeply convinced that in Cambiemos, he is well predisposed to a rapid and orderly transition. The attitude that existed since the primaries fueled fear. On the front of all order priorities: "We want Macri to finish his term, but the most urgent thing is to cut the spiral of hunger and poverty. We will not validate anything to maintain it, "warns a leader who puts the spoon in the armed opposition.

In one way or another, on the morning of October 28th, after the election result confirms his victory, Fernández will announce his team and outline his government's plans to start scoring. certain way the path followed by the country. Assume Priorities will have four axes: to ensure that a plate of food is placed on the table of fifty million Argentines; promote rapid reactivation of inactive installed capacity; order macroeconomics to take control of variables and find lines of credit to deal with debt, through renegotiation with the IMF or search for alternative routes elsewhere in the world.

The first and most urgent will be to deal with the problem of food. In this direction, Daniel Arroyo, who is already evolving in the technical teams as he was the next Minister of Social Development, is responsible for designing a plan that will reverse the most urgent situations "within 24 hours". The first steps will be through the reallocation of items for the direct purchase of food that can be immediately dumped into vulnerable areas, into already active spaces, such as schools and dining rooms. In addition, the tools are evaluated in such a way that the state limits the prices of the eleven commodities in the basic basket.

The reactivation of the real economy will first pbad through inject resources into the internal market and grant subsidized loans to small and medium-sized enterprises begin to reverse the deindustrialization process of the last four years. The dedollarization of rates and the increase of wages and pensions are public commitments of the candidate to which will be added another battery of measures. In the economic teams, they evaluate in particular a way to lighten the debt burden left by this business cycle among families and small businesses, betting that the money that will be saved with the interest accumulated wear will be transformed into consumption.

The future of macroeconomics is what remains even foggy, because of the uncertainty as to the conditions that the current government will leave. However, some measures may be provided, such as the application of a certain type of control at the exit of currencies, the imposition of shorter terms for the liquidation of exports and, almost certainly, a significant update of the retentions at l-39 with regard to agriculture. In addition, it is very likely that one significant decline in interest rates, to get the foot that drowns the Argentine industry. These measures, combined with the search for capital to facilitate take-off, will lay the foundations of the economic plan.

In order to be able to implement his project the day after the elections, in case Macri does not provide any collaboration, Fernández will prepare a series of projects to send to the Congress, which he hopes to do even before the December replacement. Although at that time he has a majority in the Senate and is close to his quorum in the lower house, the candidate can obtain the necessary votes to pbad a set of essential laws with the current legislative makeup. To the sum of the Peronist blocks that respond to it, we must add nearly a dozen Cambodian votes that would follow Emilio Monzó and half a dozen radicals who seem willing to cooperate. That number is enough to add half plus one of the votes in both ridings and defeat any government resistance. Some opposition MPs are even developing emergency plans to deal with a worse situation. The fear, which for the moment they take care not to speak out loud, is that Macri, in the face of defeat, decides to leave the devastated country. In this case, warns one of them, Congress would be forced to make more radical decisions. Article 101 of the National Constitution, which states that the chief of staff can "be removed from office by an absolute majority vote of the members of each chamber, has been forwarded to these days."


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