Alberto Fernández: “It’s a very important day, Boliv …


President Alberto Fernández expressed his “love, affection and commitment to the Bolivian people” and He assured that he was “very happy” that this nation “has expressed itself and that we have legitimately constituted authorities”.

The Argentine President participated this afternoon in the city of La Paz in the inauguration ceremony of President Luis Arce and Vice-President David Choquehuanca in the hemicycle of the Plurinational Legislative Assembly of Bolivia.

Upon entering the premises to attend the inauguration ceremony, lawmakers and social officials in attendance greeted her with applause. “Thank you Alberto, people are greeting you”, they declared loudly. “Today is a very important day, Bolivia regains democracy”, said the President and said: “The nightmare that lasted exactly a year is over. I am very happy to be here and that the Bolivian people have spoken and that we have legitimately constituted authorities ”.

Asked about the return of Evo Morales to the country after a year of exile in Argentina, Alberto Fernández explained that he would meet him this afternoon in the Argentine city of La Quiaca, from where the former Bolivian president will return. tomorrow in his native country. “I see him today in La Quiaca and tomorrow I will accompany him to Bolivia”, he explained.

Alberto Fernández attended the inauguration ceremony accompanied by Chancellor Felipe Solá; the Minister of the Interior, Eduardo de Pedro; the Minister for Women, Gender and Diversity, Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta; the secretaries of strategic affairs, Gustavo Beliz; General of the Presidency, Julio Vitobello, and of Communication and Press, Juan Pablo Biondi; Senator Jorge Taiana and MP Eduardo Valdés.

“What we have to do is work closely together”, the head of state told media in La Paz, after participating in the inauguration ceremony of Bolivian President Luis Arce and his Vice President David Choquehuanca in an act that took place in the hemicycle of the Plurinational Legislative Assembly.

From there, he traveled to the Casa Grande del Pueblo, seat of the national executive power of the neighboring country, where he officially greeted the new president and vice-president of Bolivia. Fernández participates in the official lunch, and later will hold a bilateral hearing with Luis Arce.

President Alberto Fernandez he reaffirmed his government’s intention to “work very closely” with Bolivia and considered that it was a priority to devote “the effort” of the two nations to “make Latin America a regional unity”.

“We have a lot in common, yesWe are the first and second largest lithium producer; lithium is the energy of the future and we have a lot to do together for that “Fernández shared before checking with local media.


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