Alberto Fernández joined Patricia Bullrich and sent a strong message to Mauricio Macri


The presidential candidate of Frente de Todos, Alberto Fernandez, passed to the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, for calling him a "liar" for criticizing the "Lie Law" and by the way, he sent a spicy message to President Mauricio Macri.

Through his Twitter account, the former official reminded the minister of the systematic violence perpetrated by the security forces under his responsibility:The Ministry of Security in charge leaves the police to kill on the back, the CRF spies on the judges and the Ministry of Justice limits the right to defend itself in court. "

"It's so true, Minister, that lying is wrong and immoral. Send a tweet to Macri and remember ", attacked Fernandez.

The candidate's response is tweeted by Bulrrich, who criticized Alberto: "United States, Germany, France, Korea, Costa Rica, Denmark, Bulgaria and Italy. These are some of the countries that apply the law in which the judge can not be lied. What's wrong @health, is lying, it's immoral. It is true justice. "


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