Alberto Fernández: Macri got tired of lying and continues a debate to continue to lie


In addition, he harshly questioned President Mauricio Macri when he claimed that "He is tired of lying and starts a debate to continue to lie"They promised everything and did nothing," he criticized.

In parallel, held responsible the government to "take power and destroy everything that is built".

However, he was optimistic that "as many times as we fell as a society and we got up, let's do it again"

"We are Argentina who has suffered a dictatorship and who has returned. we endured genocide and we came back; We endured a war and we came back. We are Argentina, that no one forgets thatHe said forcefully.

The meeting of this new October 17 – to celebrate the founding milestone of Peronism – began at 6 pm Don Tomás de Santa Rosa Lagoon Park. Although several figures of the Peronist breast were in play, such as the governor of Tucumán, Juan Luis Manzur; that of San Luis, Alberto Rodríguez Saa; that of Formosa, Gildo Insfrán; the national deputies, Daniel Scioli and Felipe Solá; the list of speakers was limited: the Pampean governor opened the act as host, Carlos Vernathen spoke Cristina Kirchner and the closure was in charge of Alberto Fernandez.

Alberto and Cristina lead the event in Santa Rosa

The act was a kind of campaign closure anticipated by the size of the event and the status of the guests, which includes the entire league of governors of the Pj and candidates Before everyone in each of the provinces.

The choice of The Pampas by the national dome of Before everyone as a scenario to represent the unity of Peronism was not fortuitous: it is an acknowledgment of Verna, among others to be one of the few governors of Pj that since the beginning of the management of Mauritius Macri he turned his back on the dialogue position with the Government national.


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"In addition, Verna understood from the beginning of the direction that it was necessary to seek the unification of Peronism and that the limit was not Cristina, as had proposed many leaders of the PC, but Macri "explained the minister of Government and Justice of La Pampa, Daniel Bensusán, who has in their hands the organization of the act by the Fidelity day.

The capital of the pampas is a neighborhood that has left very good feelings in Kirchnerism, since it has achieved a coup by getting the intention of the camper. Luciano Di Napoli.

This "Peronpalooza", as some were encouraged to define the meeting, celebrated a date of great symbology for the history of Peronism, because it refers to the day when a huge social and labor mobilization invaded the streets to demand the release of Juan Domingo Perón.


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