Alberto Fernández met Patricia Bullrich on Twitter for security reasons


"The Ministry of Security in charge leaves the police to kill on the back, the CRF spies on the judges and the Ministry of Justice limits the right to defend itself in court. It's so true, Minister, that lying is wrong and immoral. Send a tweet to Macri and remind him"Fernandez wrote on his Twitter account.

To integrate

A few minutes later, Bullrich's answer went through the same network: "Its security statement is intended to defend criminals, protect federal forces who accuse them of murder and maintain a criminal system that supports lies. With you, the narcos and the jets, to party. Send a tweet to Cristina Kirchner and call him back.".

Fernandez responded to a "tweet" from Bullrich in which the minister defended the bill introduced by the government, which creates the figure of perjury and seeks to penalize those who lie in investigations.

"United States, Germany, France, Korea, Costa Rica, Denmark, Bulgaria and Italy. These are some of the countries that apply the law in which the judge can not be lied. What's wrong @health, is lying, it's immoral. That's the real justice "Bullrich wrote, which motivated the response of the candidate of the Front of all.

The project was presented this week by the Minister of Security and his pair of judges, Germán Garavano, who considered the initiative as "a moral leap" and an "excellent project not contrary to the Constitution".


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