Alberto Fernández met Pepe Mujica and collected the entries of Mercosur parliamentarians


Uruguayan president receives candidate Kirchner in Montevideo Credit: Twitter

MONTEVIDEO.- Alberto Fernández went to Uruguay today as a presidential candidate. He garnered support from lawmakers from several South American countries and a blessing from the Uruguayan president.

José Mujica


Kirchner's presidential candidate arrived today in Uruguay for a visit of a few hours, where he met with the presidential candidate of the Broad Front, Daniel Martinez, with former President Mujica and the legislators of the Mercosur Parliament.

At the beginning, while Fernandez arrived by boat in Montevideo, the legislators of the Brazilian PT, the Liberal Party and the Guazú Front of Paraguay, the PJ of Argentina, the Frente Amplio of Uruguay, the PSUV of Venezuela, of the MAS of Bolivia and Peronist deputies signed a statement the one who argues that an "electoral triumph of Alberto Fernández and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is a concrete hope of the Argentine people to come out of the deep crisis that has provoked the Government of Macri ", for what it manifests" its support and accompaniment "to this formula. They add that if Kirchnerism wins elections in Argentina, it is possible to "rebuild the institutionality" of the region and promote the "great homeland" Latin America.

"I'm going to meet a teacher again," Fernandez said, posting a photo of his meeting with Mujica. After the meeting, he congratulated Mujica and said the clashes of the time pastera had been left behind.

Pepe Mujica recognized "affinities" with Fernandez and Kirchner, but little more than that. "Uruguay must meet with all the presidents of Argentina," said the former Uruguayan president.

The visit has a protocolary tone and tries to show Fernandez the Argentine reference of the Latin American progressive movement.

Mujica's relationship with Kirchnerism has fluctuated widely. The group of the former Uruguayan president, the MLN-Tupamaros, has maintained a line of ideological harmony with the governments of Néstor and Cristina Fernández, as well as Macri's firm refusal and the change promoted since 2015.

Even in the Uruguayan election campaign, mujiquismo – and the Frente Amplio in general – chooses the Macri government as an example of what not to do and tells voters that they are voting for a change , they risk the same thing as in Argentina. , with recession, inflation and more poverty.

Mujica participated in joint events with Cristina to inaugurate a binational railway (which ultimately made only one trip, the first) and a state oil company's factory. This act has been called into question because of the high cost of the party.

But there were also rough confrontations with pulp mills. And besides, Mujica should have said such harshness against Peronism and this famous phrase "this old woman is worse than the one-eyed", when she did not see that the mic was open and raised this relationship between Nestor and Cristina.


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