Alberto Fernández on Cornejo: "Let a more orderly province, but much more indebted"


Alberto Fernandez arrived in Mendoza around 14 hours, because of the late flights this morning. From El Plumerillo, he sits at the diplomatic hotel in the capital, where he gives a press conference with local Peronist leaders, including the candidate for the governor, Anabel Fernández Sagasti.

Review the press conference:

Pact with Iran

The presidential candidate, who will be accompanied by Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, was first consulted for her position in the Pact with Iran, a policy that in previous years strongly challenged the old state.

Today, in Mendoza, Fernandez has ratified part of what was declared when he was an opponent of Kirchnerism. "It was a mistake, definitely, we still have to solve this problem. The pact with Iran was not a good idea, I have said it many times", he said accompanied by Fernández Sagasti.

Fernández, at the Diplomatic Hotel. Photo: Pachy Reynoso / MDZ.


Regarding Alfredo Cornejo said to have a "sincere affection"although he stated that "it is clear that we have different visions. Mendoza deserved more luck than in recent years. He had a financial problem, but it would have been nice if he had not incurred so much debt to clean up his accounts. "

"Leave a more orderly province, but much more obliged to follow the logic of Macri. Accompanying him condemns Mendoza and I think he knows it. It's a shame that I made this decision. Mendoza deserves to have a president who pulls the provinces out of their problems and develops them, "continued Fernández.

More on this topic


On Michelle Bachelet 's report which warns of human rights violations in Venezuela, Fernandez first stressed that "Macri is talking for Trump to hear" and added: "In Venezuela, there is a problem of institutional quality and we must pay attention"

"Abuse and arbitrary systems that can not go unnoticed, but the Venezuelan solution is not to fill the country with sailors or to proclaim itself president, what would have happened if the yellow jacket proclaimed a president in France? "

Alberto Fernández and Anabel Fernández Sagasti at the Diplomatic Hotel. Photo: Pachy Reynoso / mdz.

In addition, he badured that "in 2017, Cristina warned that in Venezuela the rule of law was in crisis." There is a serious problem and we have to do honor to the doctrine of non-intervention. We do not have to encourage Trump to send troops. "


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