Alberto Fernández pointed La Cámpora and Diego Maradona


First, the candidate for the presidency of the In front of all He asked them to stop "teasing" with "the story of the demons of La Cámpora" and said that their leaders were "people who, like all Argentines, want to live in a better country".

"Today, I read in La Nación a note on the dangers of Alberto with La Cámpora, this story of the demons of La Cámpora. Stop laughing. These are people who, like all Argentines, want to live in a better country, it's just that", Said Fernández this morning in dialogue with the aforementioned Spanish radio, where he held various meetings during the week.

He added that the note mentioned the day the businessman and owner of the Free Mercado, Marcos Galperín, went to the offices of FernandezIn the neighborhood of San Telmo, he met the leader of La Cámpora Eduardo's "Wado" from Pedro.

"Just Galperín came because he's a friend of Wado, it's so that the climates are generated and that a lot of damage is done to Argentina." We need to end this Argentina that ment, "said the Todos Front candidate.


Alberto Fernández was received by the Prime Minister of Portugal

On the other hand, and with respect MaradonaFernandez celebrated this "Diego went to lead Cristina's team", and noted: "What's happening in La Plata is what Diego is generating. He is still an idol for Argentina. In modern football, no one moves that way. I do not want to get into the conflict with Messi who is another extraordinary player. We would like Diego to remain one of these great figures. We respect and remember what Diego gave us, what it was for Argentine football. Those of us who love Argentine football will die of their debts to Diego. Thank God the Argentines have already played with gymnastics, but that would be a problem (laughs). "

Then, other sentences of Alberto Fernández:

"I was talking to investment funds.Everyone is very aware of the situation in Argentina."

"The problem of Argentina can not be solved at the expense of the misery of the peoples"

"I paid particular attention to the case of Portugal, so it was fine for me to talk with Costa"

"I see similarities between the case of Portugal and what we did in 2003"

"It's not true that the economy requires only an adjustment"

"There is no capitalism where there is no demand"

"Lula Libre's claim is the claim to the rule of law"

"We can not let this jurisprudence of preventive prisons be repeated"


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