Alberto Fernández returns from his tour of Europe and faces the campaign of October


The winner of PASO arrives from Madrid this monday morning, according to the planned schedule. "It was very productive, very interesting, very important, all that," said Fernandez in a statement to Ray 10 About his visit to the old continent.

He also said that the European authorities "are very aware of the situation of the Argentine economy" and declared "the desire to work together to get the country out of the problem".

"As well they realize that in us there may be a solution to the problem and not a deepening of the crisis, which has long been proclaimed by the government and that it warns that it is a mistake, "he added.

During his week in Europe, Fernández taught at the University Camilo José Cela of Madrid, held a conference at the Congress of Deputies of Spain and met with Sánchez and Costa.

He traveled with his partner, Fabiola Yañez, and members of his technical team, such as Felipe Solá and Miguel Cuberos, in addition to Chilean Marco Enriquez Ominami.

The Frente de Todos candidate underlined the "shared vision" that he had with the socialist presidents and stressed that, if elected, his government would be "paid and honored, as always".

In the Spanish parliament, he was greeted with applause by a group of supporters who acclaimed him with the cry of "come back" and "president! President!".


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