Alberto Fernández said Jair Bolsonaro was "racist, misogynist and violent"


The candidate of Frente de Todos, Alberto Fernández Source: LA NACION – Credit: Silvana Colombo

Alberto Fernandez

criticized the Brazilian president,
Jair Bolsonarowhom he described as "racist, misogynist and violent".

The statements came hours after the Bolsonaro right said that in Brazil a wave of immigrants fleeing Argentina could be proclaimed if the Todos Front won.

October elections.

"Brazil will always be our main partner with Brazil." Bolsonaro is a turning point in Brazil's life, while Macri is a turning point in Argentina's life, "Fernandez said in an interview at the conference. broadcast "South Korea". Center ", which is broadcast on Net TV.

"Now, politically, I have nothing to do with Bolsonaro, I welcome him, he's dishonest, he's a racist, a misogynist, a violent man." I would ask President Bolsonaro to leave him Lula is free and elections with Lula are published, "he added, referring to the former imprisoned Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

About Trump

In the interview, Fernandez also pointed to US President Donald Trump, who claimed to be a good leader for his country, but not for the world.

Fernandez also spoke of Roberto Lavagna, who hinted that he could be part of his cabinet. "Lavagna and I think the same thing … What president would not like Lavagna to be Minister of Economy? I've always said, Lavagna is one of the most virtuous that I've never met, "he said.

"But I do not know what Lavagna wants to do … He's now in another company, that's his presidential campaign," he added about nominating the candidate for third place in the primary, Sunday, far behind Fernandez and Macri. .

Fernandez was Chief of Staff of Nestor Kirchner when Lavagna was Minister of Economy.

Fernández finally ignored the responsibility of market volatility. "The dialogue is open, but I do not want to lie to the Argentineans:
What can I do? I am only a candidate, my pen do not sign decrees, "he concluded.



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