Alberto Fernández said that Argentina "looks a lot more like Venezuela" with Macri than with Cristina


The presidential candidate, Alberto Fernandez, has again launched strong criticism against Mauricio Macri's leadership. This time, he responded to one of the arguments put forward by the ruling party to dismiss the votes of the K formula: the hard crisis in the country of Nicolás Maduro. The political leader has chalked up the inflation figures and interest rates paid by Argentina and has launched a particular sentence.

"We look a lot more like Venezuela than before. We pay higher rates than they pay. We are the third country in inflation after Venezuela. Enough to deceive us, "he said during a dialogue with the radio Miter.

Precisely, in relation to the country's economy, Fernandez said: "The management of Macri was deplorable, engendered poverty, created problems and multiplied existing problems ".

He also referred to statements by Axel Kicollof on the flight from the capital and the exchange control as a hypothetical solution to the economic situation. "We are facing a very serious problem in Argentina, namely when the demand for dollars it is difficult to solve, he says, adding that "Mauricio Macri has borrowed dollars and thus builds the debt that we have. (…) We have an undervalued dollar and the Central Bank does not stop selling currencies so that the dollar ironed"

"What is clear is that what Mauricio Macri allows is a flight of dollars. (…) There are speculative sectors that make the game financial bike. For that, we must find a solution, "he warned.

In this regard, he claimed that Cristina had escaped "he wanted to avoid it with the actions", but he quickly clarified the weakness he saw in this solution: "He also avoided the entry of dollars". "It's like locking a revolving door.If I lock the exit, I indirectly lock the entrance."

Now, when Macri faced the same problem he solved it in a perverse way, which was to borrow dollars and build the debt we have. "

In this sense, the pre-candidate K also spoke of "heritage"that he would receive from the current president in case the elections would take him to Casa Rosada." They leave us in a situation of very great international weakness because accumulated debt is huge"He added:" Macri has borrowed money from around the world and is in debt in a surprising and irresponsible way. When the world told him that he was not going to lend him more money, he went to the IMF. "

The problem, according to Fernandez, is that of the 39 billion dollars that the Fund has paid up to now, "30 billion dollars have been lost from the system". "It is very difficult to see this and to sit idly by," he concluded.

The situation in Venezuela

With regard to the Venezuelan crisis, the presidential candidate stated that always questioned Maduro"I am a critic of the Venezuelan government, not now, since before."

This is not the first time that he is referring to this case. Yesterday, before a query on the sentence of President Mauricio Macri, who said about Venezuela that "those who are silent are accomplices" – Fernandez said: "The sentence of Macri does not reflect, because I do not speak for me to hear Trump.Macri yes. "

However, he badured that in the Caribbean country "a system of abuse and arbitrariness of the state"and warned that they" can not go unnoticed "after the UN report on human rights violations and political persecution in this country.

"In Venezuela, there is a problem of institutional quality and we must pay attention," warned Fernandez during a press conference held in a hotel in Mendoza in the presence of the candidate for governor of Peronism, Senator national, Anabel Fernandez Sagasti.

But for him, "the Venezuelan solution is not to fill the country with seamen or to proclaim oneself president in a public place". "The countries of South America, honoring the doctrine of non-interventionwhat we should do is help Venezuelans meet again, "he said.


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