Alberto Fernández said that he had not spoken to Macri for a while


"I speak with the president when he calls me, we have not talked for a long time," said Todos Front candidate Alberto Fernández, questioned about his relations with President Mauricio Macri, when he arrived at the 39; Ezeiza Airport Spain and Portugal

In a column published by the official Telam agency, Macri said that he was in "permanent" communication with all candidates for the presidential opposition, which Fernandez's words broke this morning.

Fernández described his European tour as "positive". "All the meetings were very useful, we understand each other a lot, we have a common thought and the same vision of the world," he said during a brief contact with journalism when he arrived in the country. , adding: "It is a very important region for Argentina to find a stable partner."

>> Read more: Alberto Fernández brought tranquility to the people of the countryside

He also acknowledged that the issue of Argentine debt with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) had flown over all the meetings he had had with European political leaders. "It's because it's a problem for Argentina," Fernández said. He explained, "I'm not as great as saying that we are the solution, even if I do not say it." .

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