Alberto Fernández said that "we must export" to pay the IMF


The Front presidential candidate, Alberto Fernández, yesterday showed his economic position in the face of the crisis and anticipated that, if he won the next elections on 27 October, his "first goal will be". 39, export of Argentina ".

"I will do everything I can to export because Argentina produces money," he said.

The candidate spoke about this issue before the consultation for the payment of bonds with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and how will the relationship with the credit agency, in two interviews granted to Clarinat The nation and Page 12.

That being so, Fernández said that "it is very difficult to pay this debt" if Argentina does not produce, export and generate dollars, and has planned that the relationship with the Fund would be "correct" and "respectful".

"What we had already done with Lavagna in 2003 was to say," Become a member of my growth. "We have already done so with the famous link with the GDP growth clause – they are all alternatives, all usable and all possible," he said.

On the other hand, during the remaining months for the October elections, he was willing to collaborate with the current government regarding relations with the IMF, but asked Mauricio Macri to take charge of the violations.

"The government signed an agreement that was impossible to respect and did not respect at all. It has failed to achieve inflation and growth objectives and budget targets. What Macri has to do is find the fund and explain why he did nothing, "he said.

Fernandez attended the press in his Puerto Madero department, where he explained that he was expecting the next IMF mission to ask for an opinion on the terms of the next disbursement of $ 5.4 billion. dollars.

He also stated that "it is impossible" that the payment dates be respected. "The only solution that appears is to postpone them," he said.

He also criticized the measures taken by the government in recent days – with regard to the removal of VAT on certain products or the change in the floor of the income tax – stating that they n & # 39; They had not been consulted with the provinces and this would generate federal funding.

"It's the money of co-participation that is lost. It is a delicate issue because some provinces have a very fragile fiscal situation, "he said. In this regard, he stated that, if elected as President, he would try to apply to beneficiaries of the Universal Child Benefit (AUH), invalidity pensions and minimum pensions, a refund of VAT levied on the basic basket. An agreement with the governors.


The former chief of staff of Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández expected that he would reach the presidency when he would apply a "floating management" dollar policy and confirmed that the level current currency was adequate.

Friday, the dollar closed around 58 dollars. Whatever the case may be, Fernandez has distanced himself from the devaluation that occurred last week and explained his position.

"When I said that the dollar was good at $ 60, I said it when the dollar was about to reach $ 67 or $ 68. I said that a dollar at $ 60 was suffering the fall of the currency in relation to inflation. In these terms, the $ 60 dollar seems reasonable. A $ 60 dollar is a dollar that makes production competitive and makes exports possible, "he said.


The victory of opposition to Macri in Paso prompted the immediate reaction of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who had declared that Fernández's triumph would affect Mercosur and expressed his fear for bilateral and regional agreements with Brazil. the European Union mainly. .

"For me, Mercosur is a central place. And Brazil is our main partner and will continue to be. If Bolsonaro thinks I will close the economy and that Brazil will leave Mercosur, let it stay calm because I will not close the economy. It's an idiotic discussion, "said the Frente de Todos candidate.

"The media are not the first on my agenda"

The candidate Alberto Fernández answered questions yesterday on the law on audiovisual communication services and what he would do to be elected president. The media is not the first priority

"The truth is, talking about the media is half crazy. There were so many urgent things before, "said the candidate. Then, justifying it, he added: "We will receive nearly five million new poor. We will have 15 million people in poverty. "

Whatever the case may be, he reflected well on the relationship established by the leadership of his vice-presidential candidate, Cristina Fernández, when he was responsible for the executive, with the major media outlets. . He said that "both sectors radiate crack".

"You can not live in a country where the numbers of journalists are to be criticized. You can not live in a country that publishes news that is not true, "Fernandez said.

He also mentioned the role that the media should play in a democratic system.

"What I believe is that there is always a debate in the world about the role of the media. Every day I check that there is not much media influence on people's thinking, "he explained.

"I think it would be hard for us to take the number of votes we get if the media weighed on the public conscience. At least in politics. Maybe yes, but not in politics. What do I mean by that? It's necessary to dramatize what the media say in politics. You have to take out the drama, "he insisted.

He also stressed that the media were collaborating to "have a reading of reality".

"The media are here to inform, if they want to inform, but also to know the opinion, to spread the opinion, which is also valid. It seems to me that these things have to be saved, and I would say it's like the core of the media, "he concluded.

Dialogue with Macri: what he told the president

Alberto Fernández showed that during the telephone conversation with President Mauricio Macri, after the elections of Sunday, August 11, he had asked the president to change his attitude over the next few months. "I told the president that I understood the situation in which he was, but I asked him to decide whether he was going to be a candidate or where he was to be president, because he was not a candidate. he was acting as a candidate, he would put us in many problems, "he said.


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Printed edition

The original text of this article was published on 19/08/2019 in our print edition.


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