Alberto Fernández signed an agreement of understanding between the government of Venezuela and the opposition


The head of state retweeted the message published on Friday by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, in which he welcomes the signing of an agreement between his government and representatives of the Unitary Platform of the opposition.

“We welcome the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Unitary Opposition Platform. We thank Mexico and Norway for their efforts in favor of the peace of the Venezuelan people.Maduro said in the post he posted on social media.

The government and the opposition of Venezuela gave the Viennes to Mexico, with the signing of a ” protocol of agreement “, the first step towards the start of a cycle of dialogue that will seek to unblock the country’s political crisis.

In front of the representation of the Executive of Nicolas maduro were the delegates of the so-called Unitary Platform, which brings together four opposition parties, among which Primero Justicia, from Henrique Capriles; and popular will, to Leopoldo López Yes Juan Guaido.

The Venezuelan government delegation was led by the President of the National Assembly, Jorge rodriguez, who on his arrival in Mexico thanked the “solidarity” of the local president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, for agreeing to host the conversations.

“We are in the land of men united with the causes of peace in the world. It is therefore very informal that with the facilitation of the Kingdom of Norway, the peace talks between the Bolivarian government of Venezuela chaired by Nicolás Maduro Moros and the sectors of the Venezuelan opposition, ”Rodríguez said.

This time with Norway as mediator, it will be the third attempt at rapprochement and possible government-opposition agreements, after the failures of 2018 in the Dominican Republic and 2019 in Barbados.

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