Alberto Fernández spoke after the controversy: it is obvious that Vaca Muerta must be developed


The presidential candidate, Alberto Fernández, intervened to make known his position regarding the oil and gas industry, after the statements he made in Spain.

Alberto Fernández had all eyes on the oil industry in his statements in Spain, where, in a special edition, his strongest expression was: "it does not make sense to have the oil if the multinationals seize it ". Thus, the presidential candidate of Frente de Todos addressed the issue in a television interview and devoted a space to his opinion on Vaca Muerta.

"The richest companies are the ones that have developed the intelligence.The oil, and pleading for the case of African countries that swim in oil lagoons and that are so poor, has to resort to the technology of others. What we are doing is not trying so much oil, beyond that, Vaca Muerta is a very important reservoir, "said the former chief of staff of Nestor Kirchner.

The candidate who has prevailed within the OSP has talked about shale neuquine training. Specifically, he spoke about the actions of former President Cristina Fernández and the current national government policy for unconventional. "There, Cristina (Kirchner, former president and her partner in formula) did very well things, that's why Mauricio Macri followed them, now he has modified the contracts a bit, obviously we have to continue this policy and continue to attract transnational capital come to invest in Argentina and develop a dead cow.I was talking about technology, "said the presidential candidate of the nation about his statements in Spain, during an interview with Joaquín Morales Solá in the TV news of TN.

Fernández said the question they had asked was about science and technology. He therefore cited the example of the exploitation of natural resources which can mean economic growth but not necessarily technological or infrastructural development. And he cited examples:

"Nigeria or Angola, for example, have to resort to the technology of other manufacturers, and they turn to the multinationals to extract their oil." I immediately said that I do not know what to do. had no problem with the multinationals, but I had said that it would be much better if our countries had developed the technology because we would make better use of our wealth.I was nothing original. " he explained.


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