Alberto Fernández strengthens his alignment with Manuel López Obrador


Alberto Fernández will travel this Sunday to Mexico City, where between Monday and Wednesday he will organize a raid of meetings that began as a journey crossed by an invitation from Andrés Manuel López Obrador to be his guest of honor at the first of the acts with this year , Mexicans will commemorate 200 years of their independence from Spain.

In the end, the trip ended up having a strong economic content, and a special chapter for the pandemic. Well, in fact, while the chancellor accompanied him from the start Felipe Solá, now the Minister of the Economy will also be part of the game, Martin Guzman. Lawmakers Jorge Taiana and Eduardo Valdes will also be part of the delegation.

On Tuesday 23, before the meeting and working lunch that Alberto F. will hold at the National Palace with AMLO, He will meet the tycoon Carlos Slim alone -Friend of Cristina-, who finances the AstraZeneca vaccine produced by an Argentinian and Mexican laboratory. 22.5 million doses were expected in March and may not arrive until April.

Monday, before his meeting with the managers of large business groups (Bimbo, Femsa, Grupo Bal), Alberto F. will visit the Mexican company Liomont, where the Argentinian laboratory of businessman Hugo Sigman is sending him the active ingredient of the anti-COVID vaccine. There it is finished processing and packaging. They assure here that the process is underway but that it is slower than expected.

A year and three months after their first meeting in Mexico City, Alberto Fernández and Andrés Manuel López, once again seal this alliance of political views which perceive themselves as similar. An alliance that the two have decided to maintain despite the distance, and despite the policies that have sometimes led them in two different directions, such as the fact that the Mexican has forged good relations with the now former President Donald Trump.

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and the President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández.  Photo: EFE / José Méndez

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and the President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández. Photo: EFE / José Méndez

They both saw each other on November 4, 2019, when the Argentine president had not yet taken power. It was his first trip, and there he repeatedly stressed the alliance they wanted to build with AMLO, including his idea of no pressure on Nicolás Maduro’s regime, and even less through of the OAS, with which Secretary General Luis Almagro clashed.

By the way, AMLO clearly shows its regional dominance. Fernandez was specially invited to be present on Wednesday 24 at the celebrations of 200 years of the promulgation of the Plan of Iguala, which declared independence from Spain. To do this, together or separately, the two presidents must travel by helicopter to Iguala, Guerrero, about 200 kilometers from the Mexican capital. It is a country today with many restrictions, due to violence, the economy and the pandemic.

The photo with the Mexican president also helps Fernández in the relationship he seeks with Joe Biden. He was the first ruler invited to these acts by the Mexican independence process, which began in 1810 and culminated more than ten years later. The second would be the Bolivian Luis Arce. On Tuesday 23, Alberto F. will participate in a “solemn session” in the Mexican Senate.

The entourage can have changes. But in principle, Alberto F. will also travel with his companion Fabiola Yáñez, with the Deputy Chief of Staff Cecilia Todesca – a purebred “argenmex”, as the Argentines or their children who were exiled there during the dictatorship are called – with their spokesperson Juan Pablo Biondi and with his advisor Ricardo Forster, in charge of a secretariat for “Strategic Planning of Thought”.

In addition to a request to meet Mexican businessmen on Monday, Alberto F. is seeking to meet Argentinian businessmen working in Mexico. It will be Tuesday. And he asked Ambassador Carlos Tomada to organize a meeting with personalities of culture, politics and Mexican culture at the Argentinian headquarters. It will be Monday.

Tomada presented his credentials to López Obrador a few days ago and after being hospitalized and in delicate condition for having been infected with COVID 19. The Mexican president was also infected but without health complications.

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