Alberto Fernández: "The first defender of Macri ending his term will be me"


Alberto Fernandez

Alberto Fernandez, the candidate with more chances to be elected president, participated in an interview in Central Korea, program led by María O Donnell and Ernesto Tenembaum, one day after hitting the ball in the primary and mandatory elections which took place on Sunday. "The first defender of Macri ending his term on December 10, it will be me," he said.

On the possibility of collaborating with the government in this period of market volatility, he said: "I want the Argentines to stop suffering, if I could do anything to stop them from suffering, I would do it." The dialogue is open but I do not do it I want to lie to the Argentines: what can I do? I'm only a candidate, my pen does not sign decrees. "He added," I'm absolutely realistic. says that I am the cause of his problems, but the only one responsible for what happens in Argentina is called Mauricio Macri. "

Referring to the day after the elections, when asked if the president had congratulated him after the ballot, he replied, "He did not call me." He wrote me [Rogelio] Frigerio, who congratulated me and thanked him. And I spoke with Emilio Monzó. "On Monday's press conference, Mauricio Macri said:" The government listened, but did not understand anything. What we saw at the conference, is that they will virtually continue to do the same. "And he asked," Four and a half million poor people, and are you proud of what you did? "

In his opinion, people appreciate the proposal of the
In front of everybody and "understood that there is a change alternative." He also described it as a space "much larger than kirchnerism". And he explained that the identity of the party is formed by different political referents among Peronists, conservatives and non-conservatives, progressives and politicians from other fronts.

In this line, he congratulated the former Minister of Economy, Roberto Lavagna, who said "a virtuoso who poses a problem and offers you three solutions". And he left no doubt that "any president would like Lavagna to be minister of the economy". In addition, he revealed that he would meet this week the former Minister of the Interior and Transportation, Florencio Randazzo.

Alberto Fernández: "I will defend that Macri finishes his term"


Fernández said Monday's race for change must be studied and suggested that the government could hold Kirchner accountable. "It's flashy," he said.

On the other hand, he gave indications on the economic policy that the Front of all could lead in case of government. "We are not preparing a closed economy, with shares, and it is a persecutor of investors." I criticized Moreno, the interventions of the economy, "he said. And later, he said, "I will not declare the cessation of payments, obviously, I will pay, I do not want to fall into
fault in any way. It is very expensive to get out of the default value. "

He felt that Macri "only thinks about the campaign" and the polarization of the electorate. And he criticized the government of Cambiemos for being the sole person responsible for the economic crisis. "Macri left us in default, if we did not have help from
MFIs We would be in this situation. Macri's use of the fund's resources was pathetic, "he said.

Regarding the relationship he hopes to have with the IMF, he criticized the necessary reforms "without awareness". "He asks you to define a general rule that removes the rights of all, and that deserves a study that should be done consciously and not because the Fund requires it," he said. And he concluded, "I do not share the idea that to improve society you have to take away rights, do not ask me to stop creating universities."



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