Alberto Fernández: "The grandparents do not have a mobile phone today, they can not afford it"


"Oh president, president … the grandparents do not have a cell phone, they can not pay." Seriously speaking, the health budget has dropped by 23% and he does not know because his privileges are different, what he understands: for all, for usurers, for the health of the population, nothing, "he said in answering Macri on the issue of health, after the president stated that Pami pensioners could access services via their mobile phones.

The Frente de Todos candidate, Alberto Fernández, said in the debate that: "I thought we were going to be serious, but the president (Mauricio Macri) is still lying and saying foolishness", after the president claimed that Axel Kicillof could apply. "narcoeducation" in the province of Buenos Aires.

"The education budget from 2015 to today has dropped by 40% and that of health by 43 %.Mr President, bet a little more, because you are just saying it, but you do not do it."

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The Todos Front candidate said that "there were two things that the government of Mauricio Macri was not present were health and education." Supplies, vaccines and the system health workers have gone into crisis They have returned missing diseases.I am interested in public education.I would have liked that these liberals have learned from (Juan) Alberdi and (Domingo Faustino) Sarmiento about education, "he said. And he added that if it was mandatory, he would "pay special attention to health, science and technology".

Candidate K accused Mauricio Macri's "friends" during Sunday's election debate of taking money from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) loan, estimated at more than $ 56 billion.

"Of the $ 39 billion the fund has given us, 30,000 have escaped, his friends, the president, have taken them away, and one day he will have to explain to Argentina where these dollars went. are neither in the bridges nor in the houses.It's time to stop lying to each other, "Fernandez said.

The winner of the August primary elections and the October 27 presidential election favorite accused Macri of increasing the country's debt from 37% to 100% of gross domestic product (GDP), which Macri refuted in his report. shift of intervention


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