Alberto Fernández: "The last thing I would do would be to copy the measurements of Guillermo Moreno" – Telam


The presidential candidate of the Front of All, Alberto Fernández, said that "Argentina will not be faulted" if it is elected in October during the participation in the seminar Democracy and Development, a series of specials. interviews organized by the Clarín group. at the Malba Museum.

"The defect is very damaging as a solution.Nobody can seriously raise a problem because it is a debt contracted two years ago by a government elected democratically by the Argentines.The one we discussed in 2003 was a debt contracted by dictatorship she has nothing to do, "he commented.

On the other hand, the former chief of staff said that he "had never" refused to dialogue with President Mauricio Macri after the results of the OSP.

"It is more than reasonable to talk with the president at a time of transition," he said, adding, "We must take advantage of every dramatic moment at the moment of the transfer."

The candidate said that "it is very difficult to reduce inflation," he said. If he wins the October elections, "we start from a very complicated scenario", while stating that "the last thing he would do would be to copy some of Guillermo Moreno's measurements." , which he did enormous damage to the Argentine economy. "

He also stated that "we should be ashamed" of situations such as "bringing journalists to appear", as well as aggression that Agustín Rossi and Axel Kiciloff have suffered in the past, and that "it can not happen again". between us".

The last day of the protest began at 9:30 with a dialogue with former Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso. After Alberto Fernández, it will be the turn of Macri's participation, who will also answer the questions.

Felipe González, former President of Spain between 1982 and 1996, participated in previous meetings; Ricardo Lagos, former president of Chile between 2000 and 2006; Maria Eugenia Vidal, governor of Buenos Aires; Roberto Lavagna, presidential candidate; Miguel Ángel Pichetto and Juan Manuel Urtubey, vice-presidential candidates; and Sergio Mbada, candidate for the national deputation.


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