Alberto Fernández: "The only thing that Macri has produced is …


The presidential candidate of the Todos Front, Alberto Fernández, criticized the government for downplaying inflation and felt that this problem had been solved by "cooling" the economy. "They have multiplied inflation by two" and "the only thing that Macri has produced is 5 million poor," he said.

Fernández, accompanied by Anabel Fernández Sagasti, candidate for the governorship of this province, said that her priority would be to "rebuild the disaster" left by the Macri government and that she would receive "scorched earth" .

When asked when he thought he could witness an economic recovery, he avoided making any predictions but said: "The successes of the first semester will depend on us, not the fact that someone is raining down investments ".

The government "seriously mishandled the problem of inflation" because he "thought that the problem was monetary and that withdrawing money and reducing consumption would contain it", he added. However, "we are four years old and we have multiplied inflation by two".

For the most voted PASO candidate, the solution is to "change the logic that the government is repeating" and to "put the economy back on the road". "Put money in the pockets of those who consume and enter into an agreement with businessmen and unions to launch the economy." "It will not be easy," he said, "because Macri has decimated Argentina."

For Fernández, "the time has come to stop the ball, lift our heads, see how we rearm the equipment and start going out otherwise. And we are going to do it because the Argentineans are going through a very difficult time and nobody wants to go through a difficult time. "

During the interview with journalists, the former chief of staff of the government of Néstor Kirchner was also questioned about his relations with the Ministry of Justice in case he reached the presidency. "I will not be a witch hunter or persecutor," he said, recalling that judges and prosecutors are responsible for judging judges and prosecutors respectively.

Of course, he said that his job "as a citizen will be to express my concern about how he has worked" in a sector of the judiciary in recent years, and stressed that "the best justice is which is independent of political pressure and the media ". .

"I do not want to be the one who stands in the middle of the crack," said Fernandez and said his task would be "stop talking about the crack and work together because in the crack game we are losing a lot of time to rebuild the disaster they did ".

He also denied that his goal was to talk about the "legacy" that he would receive. "I have no interest in going back. I will not receive inheritance, but the conduct of my country, "he said.

Finally, he stressed the importance of promoting the regional economies, to set up a government "composed of 24 governors" and reaffirmed that his goal would be "to end the personalism and build another country, because we do not deserve not the country so unfair ". .


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