Alberto Fernández: "The rise of the dollar, it's like putting a stone in a revolving door"


Alberto Fernandez Source: LA NACION – Credit: Fabián Marelli

candidate of
In front of all,
Alberto Fernandez, is participating today in the seminar Democracy and Development, a series of interviews that take place at the Malba Museum and in which
Mauricio Macri.

After the opening of the day organized by
Clarin, opened by former Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Fernández answers questions from a panel of journalists.

"For the umpteenth time, I've been very critical of
stocks And I still am. This was not a good solution. Actions are like putting a stone in a revolving door: nobody leaves but no one enters. That's what happened to us, "he said.

The candidate explained that this decision, taken by the
government of his
partner of the formula,
Cristina Kirchnerhe was caught "because we were at a point of suffocation". "There was not enough money for the trial in Argentina, and the same happened for Macri and when it happened, he took on debts and so did we," he said. he said adding, "Both means are not good mechanisms to solve the problem, we need to see how we solve it."

In fact, Fernández insisted: "Neither actions nor debt." He also spoke of the decision of the former Finance Minister, Nicolás Dujovne, to repeal a rule copied by Kirchnerism in Chile, which stipulated that "to avoid the game of capitals swallowed and speculation financial, every 100 dollars entered, 30 had to remain deposited in the bank ".

Gay Prat he was not encouraged to repeal it and
Dujovne yes The worst part of the currency issue has arrived, "he added.

By default

"Argentina has no chance of falling into
fault if I'm president, "he said about the
debt contracted by the government with the
International Monetary Fund. He also stressed that he would look for ways to meet the country's obligations. "It's a question of sitting down to negotiate."

On the inflation and basic food prices, the Todos Front candidate still differentiates from the former Secretary of Internal Trade
Guillermo Moreno and said: "For the umpteenth time, I say that the last thing I would do would be to copy something that Moreno did, I think he did a lot
pity in Argentina. "

The former chief of staff of
Nestor Kirchner also called
Indec: "It's the thermometer of the economy, we do not have to get angry with the thermometer, we have to see because we have a fever." I think they were angry at one point and that it was a mistake We have an Indec that works independently and tells us what is happening to us My problem is not Todesca is that the Indec works, that he is telling the truth. "

In addition, Fernández said that the country had to "stop the balloon and see how to continue" because it continues "with this dynamic, we will hit the walls.It is as if we were going in a tunnel from one side to the other ". "Stopping the ball is what I call a huge deal: businessman, unions, state, where everyone is doing their part."

The possible transfer

Regarding his possible victory in October and the transfer of the presidential band, Fernandez evoked the refusal of his partner, Cristina Kirchner, to participate in the act and pbad the torch to Macri and said: "L & # 39; episode is more confusing, I was not at that time.I want everything to go normally to have the feeling that this episode can be repeated. "

So, Fernandez talked about understanding that we're moving forward and "put an end to this idea that
transitions They are difficult, a war between them. They are part of democracy, you must take them easily. In me, there is no chance that it will happen again. "

"Argentina must bury the moment of
the confrontation This has spread for many years. I'm talking about creating a new system, a new way of life, "he said, adding," I have never refused dialogue. I do not understand politics without dialogue. It was one of the differences I had (with Cristina Kirchner) and that's why I took a step back. "


On former prisoners imprisoned for embezzlement, Fernández has distanced himself and said it was a problem of justice: "I wish that the rule of law be respected the same way that I do not want corrupt people to go unpunished ".

"What I feel is that there were abuses in the detentions at that time, I did not say it all alone, some of them accompanying the president." I also said that it seems to me that judicial matters are matters of justice, they are not my subjects. "

With regard to the versions according to which, when he reached the government, he would decide amnesties and pardons on the accused or sentenced persons, he said: "I think these figures are a remnant of the monarchy and that they are inadmissible in a democracy. "

The crack

"I do not know how it started Yes, how it went on I'm clear that incredible things have been done, no society can live in
the peace With this logic. I have a lot of journalists friends and they continue to act in this way while they are my friends. Most of the time, they do not agree with what I think. "

During a conversation with Malba journalists, the presidential candidate also spoke about the political division experienced in the country and recalled a fact of 2011, when he had called
Browse to journalistic personalities opposed to the government of that time: "How are we going to live in a country where the numbers of these journalists are put in such a way that they are busy? It's a shame! At that moment, I put myself on the side of
journalists and they told me that he was a Clarín man. "

"We can not live like that anymore, in a crazy country, we should be ashamed of it all … On the other side too: I remember Agustín Rossi chased by the 125th
Kicillof in a boat with a baby in his arms, running because he was insulted. It can not happen anymore. He must give us
shame. Point, "he said.

The crisis in Venezuela

Regarding the situation in the country governed by the Bolivarian regime
Nicolás MaduroFernández said: "They know what I think of Venezuela.I had the impression that there was a serious conflict in democratic coexistence, but when I read the report of Michelle Bachelet, whom I respect a lot, I saw that it went further. "

"You must regain democracy, as you think
Uruguay and Mexico. We must find a solution that restores Venezuela's institutionality and full democracy.
Cristina he has the same perception as me of the current Venezuelan ".

In addition, the candidate spoke about the link with the United States and said about Trump: "It's the president of the United States, it must be a courteous, kind and respectful relationship. to know if I think you have to fight The United States does not respond, neither with Trump, nor with Obama, nor with anyone ".

"I think Argentina needs to have a multilateral link with the world," he said.

About Bolsonaro

Fernandez spoke again with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. "It was a mistake to be aggressive with Bolsonaro and that's why I stopped," said the Todos Front candidate, noting: "Brazil is much more important that my anger against a president. "

The death of Nisman

Consulted on the death of the prosecutor
Alberto Nisman, The Front for All candidate replied: "I will do everything in my power to help clarify the death of the prosecutor" and asked to remove Nisman "from the race to politics".

In addition, Fernandez said: "If someone kills him to deal with this death, I'm sure it's not Cristina, I'm sure." The former chief of staff appealed to the criminal logic and said, "Tell me who is taking advantage of the crime and I will tell you who the murderer is, and the only victim of the murder was Cristina."



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