Alberto Fernández: “The time for climate change will not end if we don’t do something” | The President opened the Latin American Summit on this environmental problem


President Alberto Fernández at the head of the Bicentennial Museum of Casa Rosada the opening of the Latin American Summit on Climate Change called “High Level Dialogue on Climate Action in the Americas”, hosted by Argentina and including US Climate Envoy John Kerry; United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, leaders of the region and authorities of international organizations, among other leaders and special guests. “The time for climate change will not end if we don’t do something”, the president began his speech.

And then, in his introduction, he mentioned Argentina’s position on the problem. “There is no ecological crisis unrelated to the social crisis, as Pope Francis says. Wealth in the world must be considered by valuing environmental assets. The lessons learned from the pandemic with vaccines must be applied. We need to apply IMF drawing rights to reduce climate shock and financial shock“Fernández said. We need development organizations like the IDB to allocate 50% of their money to environmental policies,” added the president.

We need environmental social justice, which is the name of social justice in our region, the importance of a policy is not given only by a declamation, but by the amount which is intended to develop it. I hope that solutions will emerge from this summit. Separators, Ceremonies. glasgow us espa. I give the floor to John Kerry, ”said Fernandez and concluded his opening speech.

Kerry, in turn, criticized the waste of time during the administration of Donald Trump promote policies that stop global warming, but say that The president of the United States, Joe biden, is committed to increasing the environmental budget. “If each of the countries of origin does not do enough, the rest of the world will be doomed. Nature cries out to us that we are not doing enough: we see floods, droughts, avalanches, melting glaciers. I asked the scientists what worried them the most and they told me that what is happening is irreversible. We need to make clear plans of what to do because otherwise, between 2020 and 2030, global warming will continue to increase“, noted.

It’s a mathematical question, we won’t reach net zero emissions by 2050 if we don’t move forward. The actions we take now will create jobs and United States pledged to cut carbon emissions by 50% by 2035. The president has the decision to help the neighbors. We work with the six largest banks in the United States and they are ready to invest over $ 4 trillion. We have the ability to put funding on the table. We need action, ”he said.

“I think we have a great opportunity to know how we are going to accelerate ambition. We are happy to be a part of this effort,” he concluded.

The event, which is carried out virtually with the aim of collaborating in the design of innovative mechanisms that enable effective climate action on the continent and promote post-pandemic economic recovery in a resilient and sustainable manner, aligned with the Paris Agreement, This is the prelude to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 25) to be held in Glasgow, Scotland, from October 31 to November 12..

After Fernández’s presentation, in the first segment of the summit titled “Road to Glasgow. Improve climate ambition, ”John Kerry delivered a message. They are followed by António Guterres, the Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Amor Mottley; the presidents of Colombia, Iván Duque; from Costa Rica, Carlos Alvarado Quesada; from Panama, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen; from the Dominican Republic, Luis Abinader; and from Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benítez; the President of COP25 and Minister of the Environment of Chile, Carolina Schmidt; and the president of COP26, Alok Sharma.

The second segment of the activity is divided into five panels. The first of them, “Innovative mechanisms for the means of implementation”, will be moderated by the Secretary for Strategic Affairs, Gustavo Beliz, and will have the participation of the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the United Nations. Caribbean, Alicia Bárcena, (ECLAC).

At the end of the rest of the panels (“Accelerating climate action through regional cooperation”, “Engaging the private sector in climate action”, “Strengthening coastal-marine resilience to climate vulnerability” and “Nature and climate: transformative approaches to adaptation and climate action “), at the end of the day, there will be a ministerial round table which will be moderated by John Kerry and the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Juan Cabandié.

The closing speech of the initiative, organized with Argentina by the governments of Barbados, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and the Dominican Republic, will be chaired by the Minister of Foreign Relations, International Trade and Worship, Felipe Solá.

Fernandez’s full speech


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