Alberto Fernández: "There is nothing more destructive than …


Alberto Fernández welcomes PageI12 in his apartment in Puerto Madero. He looks serene, so much so that he attracts attention. It focuses on the report, does not drink water or coffee, does not watch the TV, but silences it. To calmly accept reasonable requests from photographers. Smile, answer as he did not think, own resource of who is accustomed to the reports. While he falls Saturday night, he badumes off the microphone that he has slept little but does not precipitate conversation or goodbyes. He becomes emotional at some point, when asked if he has become emotional. For a distracted onlooker, it would seem more like a leader who badyzes the movement of ex-president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner than the candidate that nobody expected, not even himself.

-It seems that the order of the factors modifies the product, right?

-It seems that for many it's like that. The reality was a surprise. Cristina had all the conditions to get to the presidency and compete and decided to accompany me. The truth that speaks very well of Cristina.

-Why are you talking about Cristina so well?

-Not always in the story, there are cases where someone who can come to power leaves this place in my name. I see it as a generous fact to serve the whole thing. She had several reasons to continue and she prefers to leave room for another as she thinks it could be better for the collective process.

-You would have done it instead?

Frankly I do not know. I always have a constructive mind, I see politics as an act of permanent construction, I always repel. I did not do anything to be a candidate. When I started trying to unite the parties, I imposed myself the idea of ​​not being a candidate so I could talk to everyone about the importance of unity and that no one thought I wanted to be me . Cristina could think of coming back for many reasons. Cristina reported everything and when everyone told her, and everyone said to me: "This idea of ​​the modified Cristina that you propose is false". The truth is that Cristina got tired of proving that there is another Cristina who is not a Cristina with new convictions is a more mature Cristina. A Cristina to whom the events of recent years have tempered her spirit and allow her today to distance herself many times from immediate decisions and make a better decision. I'm not saying that I was the best decision because it would be really crazy. But I say – as she told me – that she thought that by the time I was coming, I had a better dialogue with many sectors, I could help more than she at the top of the formula. If she had told me to accompany her in the formula, I would have said yes, but she never told me. He told me so.

– Some time ago, you said that without Cristina, you can not and that with Cristina alone, it's not enough to look for something like the missing link andcross Peronism and Kirchnerism Are you this missing link in some way?

-I do not know, frankly I do not know. What I saw this year, one of the things that drew my attention to Cristina, is that it's the only policy that in recent years has grown steadily from day to day in the polls. I was not competing and I think the selection has to do with what she thought I could be in this case. For me, tranquility is immense in Cristina's formula, because Cristina is the center of Argentine politics. All these ideas to get her out of the political scene seemed delusional because nothing could have been ruled without Cristina at the center of the decision.

-When are you doing reconstructed with her?

-In December 2017. They spent nine years without seeing us, almost 10 years, which made the meeting a meeting where we found our friendship, our affection, where we settled all that we had asked, which allows us to work with a lot of trust with each other. The offer of Cristina has greatly affected me. I met her almost before Néstor and I weaved friendships, and then the affection that I had with Nestor was immeasurable. So much so that the penguins told me that I was a Cristino. It happened what happens to many Argentines, who fought among friends because the policy was not favorable to them. The difference was that it was a discussion between a president and a chief of staff who were friends, but we both had this institutional duration. What happened to us was very cruel. I have not had a good time these almost ten years, but the reunion has been huge. All read the political meeting and no one read the human encounter. That's what I like the most and I loved helping him leave the place where they put it. Today (yesterday), I spoke to him again after watching the video. I got excited again and I just said, "Thank you, thank you for the friendship we have put in place".

-In addition to the desacomodamiento and the stupefaction of the decision, it left Hernán Lombardi to say that this went back to Campora Perón government in power, which results in dictatorship. After the president Macri considered that your formula would be to return to the self-destruction of the country …

– What Macri says is childish because nothing is more destructive to Argentina than the ruling macrismo. Lombardi speaks with the superficiality of which he spoke when he was part of the sushi group, he did not attach importance to it sincerely. Neither Cristina is Perón nor myself Cámpora and Cristina knows it because one day I resigned and I faced it politically for ten years. What many find difficult to understand is that two people who value each other, value each other and respect each other one day can find a way to work together as they did years ago. The fact that Cristina accompanies me gives me a lot of strength. I'm sure nothing I have to do will contradict Cristina, nothing because I know how she thinks, all the rest are ghosts that will multiply. I am the same Alberto Fernández who praised it when I interviewed Cristina and now that I approach Cristina, they have become a demon for them, but it is not my problem. It is a problem of them that they must solve with a psychologist.

-Once Cristina confirmed, who did you talk to?

-With nobody because we made a pact of silence with Cristina and we told ourselves that the thing would die to both because it had arrived on a Wednesday afternoon and that Cristina had had the idea to do it, as she did on Saturday. And we had to spend this Thursday and Friday in silence. It was two very long days to see where I felt badly with a lot of friends and colleagues because they talked to me and I had to talk to them as if nothing was happening and things were going on said Macri.

"Have you doubted?

– I answered him in flagrante delicto but I asked him to think it, that she thought it. I told her that all the conditions were right for her to be. I told him, "We did a job for all this year and a half who put you back in the running" and he had an answer that I liked so much, he said, "It's all that work we do did that gives me the freedom to do what I am. " make. And it left me a little without argument, but I still said "think about it". On Thursday, we met and asked him to think again. He said, "We've already talked about it," as if you were saying how many times you want us to talk about it. Last night (Friday), he invited me to his house and showed me what he was going to say.

-After the announcement, Felipe Solá and Agustin Rossi they were satisfied and they lowered their pre-applications, Daniel Scioli is still in the race, how badyze?

– It seems to me absolutely legitimate that he wants to do it. I have a great love for Daniel, I have a great respect and we are friends beyond. Daniel also knows that it was not in my plans to compete with him.

-The one that came out very critical was Eduardo Duhalde who said that it was like the drawer of Herminio The churches

– Did he say that? It's shocking! Anyway, I appreciate it a lot and I think history has a special place in the way it extinguished the fire in 2002 and will probably not have a page for what it just said .

Who is it They called to tell you "I am very happy"?

-They called me a lot and the truth is that I think that many have spoken to me frankly, honestly, happily, with joy. People in the press, people in politics. I spoke with José Luis Gioja spoke with Martín Insaurralde spoke with Katopodis. The governors came out almost one after the other to explain that they wanted to accompany the decision. I celebrated the visit of these two men, Juan Manzur. I've also met Gustavo Bordet, Rosana Bertone, Domingo Peppo of Chaco, Sergio Casas of La Rioja, Gerardo Zamora. from Santiago del Estero. All these leaders were not with us and today they are. For me, all this makes me very happy and gives me a great peace of mind.

-Parler to recompose what will happen to Sergio Mbada?

– I have a very good deal with Sergio and I have affection for him. The decision belongs to Sergio, we opened all the doors for him to come, to participate, so if he wants a STEP, come and I have the intimate desire that it happen. We exchanged WhatsApp but because my phone did not stop. I hope to talk tomorrow (for today).

-And Roberto Lavagna?

-With Lavagna, I have not spoken for many years. I have the impression that it is a non-space. Cristina's growth is directly related to the fact that people decide to continue with Macri or generate opposition. And the opposition is Cristina, as it is a bipartisan thing, the spaces of the middle disappear. It seems to me that Lavagna, who is a very prepared man, very capable, will be very difficult to reach.

-Juan Schiaretti Could it be in this space?

-But who reasonably does not want the Cordovan Peronist to be with us.

-And … there are several.

It would be a serious political mistake. Schiaretti won the election with a huge victory, an election that he took care to provincialize. Many voters in Cristina voted for him, mainly because he is a very good governor. I have friends with a lot of Cordovan who made this Peronism of Cordoba, there is a lot of experience, a lot to bring, who would not want the Gringos and its inhabitants to be part of this project, representing what they represent. It seems to me that we are at a moment when, if we do not convince ourselves that the sum of the parties is all that we need, we will have a problem. The one who understood her better was Cristina. I regret that others have trouble understanding. I always say that this space of unity comes from conviction or resignation.

– The resignation in what it consists?

-Many have aspirations. They said "we're going but if Cristina is not a candidate", Cristina is not a candidate but she has her votes. In fact, what they wanted, was that she gave up her wishes. I always told them that it was like going to play in Barcelona and what to say but do not put Messi, stressed the need for them to accept the fact that you can not do it without Cristina. They did not understand it, but while they were caught up in this discussion, Cristina grew up, developed herself.

-The sectors that appear on the ground think that Alberto Fernández does not express any firmness of Kirchnerism, all the radicality Cristina, what are you saying?

– That they trust because in the big postulates, we have no differences. In any case, I was very critical of what happened in the direction of Cristina because she also believed that I could be the person

knowing my critics that I hold them so far. It seems to me that we must look for synthesis in this space. The readings are many, there are those who say that there is a stage of nestorism, those who say that moderate Kirchnerism has won, the only thing to gain is the will to get things done as we do. 39, made in 2003 with Néstor. Put a little aside the dogmatic that is not necessarily true.

You think that the competition is going to be with Macri?

– yes I think they are stuck: if Macri is not a candidate, whoever succeeds him will have to explain to everyone Macri's failure that he could not renew. But what worries me the least is knowing who I am facing is that we know what we need to do.

– how you imagine the relationship with the dominant communication group in Argentina, Clarin, considering what are only the last four years?

-I think what Julio Blanck once called the "war journalism"? is something that Clarin even today, it is still practiced. They do not talk to Cristina, they do not talk to me for a long time because, since I was close to Cristina, they were also angry at me. At this point, these Japanese seem not to know on an island that the Second World War ended. And the truth would be fine to stop doing war journalism and dealing with the journalism of recovery. And since they have this dominant multimedia condition, they have the double obligation not to do something like that. I hope that, little by little, we will be able to smooth out the contours not so that they write what we want, but for them to understand that Argentina also needs to be in a good position. ;a change.

-He called Hector Magnetto?

"I have not spoken to Magnetto since the day I resigned from my position as chief of staff.

Everything else is a fantasy. If he called me, I would talk to him and tell him what I told you. I hope everyone understands that the time ahead has to be different. We must stop the madness that was sown in those years


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