Alberto Fernández visited Malena Galmarini at the sanatorium


The presidential candidate went to the Diagnostic Institute to inquire about the state of health of the wife of Sergio Massa, who was suffering from a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst .

In this context, the presidential candidate of the platform, Alberto Fernández, visited him Wednesday at the Institute of Diagnostics and she and her husband thanked her through the networks.


Elisa Carrió and Nicolás Massot crossed by Alberto Fernández

"Thank you Alberto Fernández for joining Malena Massa at this time. Human gestures are worth more than any political word", Thanked Massa.

To integrate

"Thank you very much for the love. I felt very accompanied. Your visit was an immense gesture of solidarity and solidarity. I value it a lot. These human gestures make the difference, "tweeted Malena Galmarini.

Fernandez paused in his diary to go to the hospital and visit the candidate for the provincial deputation of space, who must remain hospitalized until Friday for a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst, and He had coffee with Massa at the bar of the medical center.


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