Alberto Fernández was concerned about the prot …


President Alberto Fernández warned this morning that he was “concerned about the persistence of sectors betting on violence in Bolivia”. “Democracy is the only way for the peoples of the region,” he said.

“Barely two weeks ago, the Bolivian people spoke at the polls with massive support for Luis Arce. We are concerned that sectors in Bolivia that bet on violence persist. We have said it and we have said it again: democracy is the only way for the people of our region“said the president with reference to protests led by sectors of the conservative right in the neighboring country.

On October 18, the candidates of the Movement for Socialism (MAS), Luis Arce and David Choquehuanca, were consecrated winners of the Bolivian presidential election. Despite the fact that their opponents, Carlos Mesa and Luis Fernando Camacho, admitted their defeat, in recent days sections of the right have demonstrated to accuse alleged irregularities in the elections.

Groups based in Santa Cruz and Cochabamba, with the support of dictator Jeannine Añez and the Catholic Church, have taken to the streets to denounce the fraud. Last week, the Unión Juvenil Cruceñista and the Resistencia Juvenil Cochala (RJC) They demanded a new intervention from the military to invalidate the elections, just like they did in 2019.


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