Alberto Fernández: "We look like Venezuela much more than before"


The pre-presidential candidate of the Frente de Todos has recognized "abuses" during the government of Nicolás Maduro Source: LA NACION – Credit: Silvana Colombo

The presidential candidate for the Frente de Todos,

Alberto Fernández,

considered today that Argentina "looks much more like



Mauricio Macri

with what

Cristina Kirchner,

your formula partner for the

the elections

This year, we discussed the UN report confirming the torture and other human rights violations in this Caribbean country.

"Argentina is totally out of the world, we look a lot more like Venezuela than before, we pay higher rates than those paid in Venezuela, we are the second or the third country with inflation after Venezuela ", he said in an interview this morning. with Radio Miter.

"Enough to deceive us," says one who criticizes the situation in Venezuela, "he added after meeting
the UN report on rights violations and political persecution in Venezuela. "I am a critic of the Venezuelan government, not now, because before," Fernandez said. She has distanced herself from the former president

Nicolás Maduro

as one of its main partners.

The former chief of staff said that "Macri has created problems that did not exist," he said his administration "deplorable" and said the current president was raising "more fear" as the former president.

Last night, at a conference in Mendoza, Fernández welcomed the report prepared by the former president of Chile.
Michelle Bachelet on Venezuela to make sure she knows "the accuracy and severity of her badysis".



they have lived a system of abuse and arbitrariness of the state that can not go unnoticed. There is a problem of institutional quality and we need to pay attention to it, "he said.

On the other hand, he stressed that "the Venezuelan solution is not to fill the country with
Marines [militares estadounidenses] or that someone proclaims himself president in a public place ", referring to the president in charge

Juan Guaidó,

recognized by the Macri government.

"The countries of South America, respecting the doctrine of non-intervention, must help Venezuelans to meet again. [el presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald]


to send troops, "he added.

Consulted on the sentence of the president, who said about Venezuela that "those who are silent are accomplices", in a momentum at the elevation of Kirchner, Fernandez replied: "The sentence of Macri, I do not think no, because the truth, I do not speak, you hear me Trump, Macri, yes. "

With information from Telam



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