Alberto Fernández went to Spain: analysis of exchange rate measures and meetings with socialist leaders


A few days after the start of the election campaign in Argentina for the October general elections, the presidential candidate of the Frente de Todos, Alberto Fernández, took a flight to Spain to teach in a University of Madrid and hold meetings with important personalities. Socialist political leaders of Europe.

Before leaving, the winner of the primaries met his small economic table, composed of Matías Kulfas, Emanuel Álvarez Agis and Cecilia Todesca, as well as his man of confidence, Santiago Cafiero, to badyze and evaluate the exchange restrictions solved by the Macri administration.

On the other hand, as indicated Clarin, Fernández asked his troops to keep quiet about the latest measures and to monitor the evolution of the economy.

The opposition leader will spend a week in the Spanish capital and will take the opportunity to meet the country's president, Pedro Sánchez, and Portugal, António Costa.

Fernandez had already planned to visit Spain long ago to fulfill his academic commitment, but the agenda was changed after his triumph in the primaries, where he exceeded by more than 16 points the party in power.

For this reason, the former head of cabinet of Nestor Kirchner has decided to add some political activities to this trip, during which he will be accompanied by his partner, Fabiola Yañez, and members of his technical team.

The Peronist candidate will teach a course at Camilo José Cela University in the middle of this week, as part of a seminar on public management and image consulting organized by the institution, and then hold the most important meetings.

In this context, Fernández will meet Sánchez, president of Spain, and the PSOE, responsible for local government since June 2018, after the motion of censure directed against his predecessor, Mariano Rajoy.

He will also meet the former President of this country, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, as well as Josep Borrell, recently appointed High Representative for the European Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy.

Fernández will then travel to Lisbon to meet Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa, who, like Sánchez, represents a socialist administration of dyes.

The Frente de Todos candidate must return to Buenos Aires on Sunday, September 8, while the official campaign for the generals has already started.


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