Alberto Fernández went ugly with Mercedes Ninci on the air: Why do not you read?


July 10, 2019
– 11:07

The current Frente de Todos candidate reacted in this way to the reporter when she reminded him of the questions that he had asked in opposition to his current running mate.

The past of Alberto Fernández as an opponent to Government of Cristina Fernández of Kirchner is a point that some media they exploit to the maximum, as this Wednesday, when the presidential candidate Frente de Todos left the courts of Comodoro Py, after declaring in the case opened by the Memorandum with Iranthat the exmandataria signed.

Journalist Mercedes Ninci it reminded him Fernández the questions that he made to his formerly political rival when the two militated on different Peronist slopes. "You had said that with the signing of the memorandum, Cristina had wanted to cover the perpetrators of the attack"Mercedes Ninci told him.

The candidate replied, "But in addition to listening to what I said in Nelson Castro's radio program, you must read an article I wrote to Clarín the next day. 'listen, you have to read, Mercedes.'



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