Alberto Fernández: "When I speak, Cristina speaks"


After talking on the phone again with Mauricio Macri, the Frente de Todos candidate, Alberto Fernández, badyzed in Telenoche the interview he had with the head of state about the economic crisis and the appointment of Hernán Lacunza to the post of finance minister. The former chief of staff revealed that the president had proposed to go to Wall Street to give a signal to the markets and He reiterated his leading role in the opposition formula.

In an interview with Telenoche, the candidate argued that he should "stop doing the news" whenever he communicates with Macri because they are very likely to continue to do so. "I will talk to the president as many times as he needs. I will put an end to this damn crack. Dialogue is part of the ordinary, "he said.

In this regard, he revealed that the head of state had asked him to go to Wall Street, while stating that he had rejected the proposal. "I do not think it's reasonable. Not the moment. I am only a candidate, this limits my ability to act, "explained the leader.

In turn, Fernández spoke of his partner's position in the formula of not giving interviews during the election campaign. "When I speak, Cristina speaks, the presidential candidate is me," he said. In turn, he stressed that both agree on economic badyzes and that there are no major differences.

With respect to the policies recognized by the government, he said he did not have much to point out. "Among the few things I recognize that have been well done right now is an independent indec"he said.

While avoiding specifying who would form his economic team in case of victory in the elections, the candidate repeated that "the actions were not a good solution" and that it would not be a way forward. "It's a particularly rare situation, we have to make sure it's not complicated," he said.

The most prominent sentences

It should stop being the news that a president is talking to an opponent.

I am only a candidate, this limits my ability to act.

The president is president until December 10 and he makes the decisions.

Macri m asked to report the markets.

Macri has asked to go to Wall Street, but that does not make sense. This is not the moment.

This is a particularly rare situation, it must be ensured that it is not complicated.

I would have liked the government to fix the price of the dollar before speaking, and they did not do it.

We must continue to work together, but the responsibility belongs to the government.

When I speak, Cristina speaks. The presidential candidate is me.

Do not make me pbad more exams.

Let's stop repeating that Argentina is putting itself in danger with me or with Cristina.

Stocks were not a good solution.

Among the few things I recognize that were well done at this time is an indec independant.

Lula da Silva is arbitrarily detained.

I made a mistake when entering the debate proposed by Bolsonaro, I made a mistake in answering him.

What matters to me is the link between Brazil and Argentina.

The Maduro government is a government that has sunk into arbitrariness.

The problem of Venezuela is not solved with marines or intervention.

Cristina is put with forceps in all causes.

I know of Cristina's innocence.

Justice has violated the rule of law.

I will speak to the President as many times as necessary.

I will put an end to this damn crack. Dialogue is part of the ordinary.


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