Alberto Fernández will travel to Ecuador on Tuesday to meet with President Guillermo Lasso


Alberto Fernández and Guillermo Lasso
Alberto Fernández and Guillermo Lasso

President Alberto Fernandez He will travel to Ecuador on Tuesday August 31 at noon where he will meet the president of that country, Guillermo Lasso, and will also hold several bilateral meetings in the capital Quito.

State visit It will last two days and it will be done with a small entourage. The question is whether on his return he will undergo a period of isolation for having traveled abroad as when he was in Peru at the end of July. or if he will continue from Friday 3 September his usual activities at the Casa Rosada and the Olivos residence.

Those who will accompany the President in the Tango 04 plane would be the Secretary General of the Presidency, Julio Vitobello, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Felipe Sola, and the communications secretary, Juan Pablo Biondi.

Tuesday evening Fernández and Lasso will have dinner. The Argentine president did not travel for the inauguration of the Ecuadorian president which took place on May 24, the date chosen for the commemoration of the Battle of Pichincha in 1822, key to the independence of this country. At that time, the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic was hitting Argentina very hard and because of this, the trip was suspended.

On Monday April 12 of this year, just hours after the closing of the elections in Ecuador, Alberto Fernández congratulated his Ecuadorian counterpart on the ballot victory in the elections in which Lasso defeated Andres Arauz, the candidate that Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador between 2007 and 2017, decided to support, who remains in exile in Belgium after being sentenced to 8 years in prison for corruption.

Arauz, that Fernández considered the leader of the left to consolidate his idea of ​​”progressivism” in South America, he ended up defeated.

The President of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso (EFE / José Jácome / Archive)
The President of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso (EFE / José Jácome / Archive)

Lasso, a 65-year-old right-wing former banker, businessman and politician, who in his two previous Ecuadorian presidential appointments failed to achieve his goal, replaced Lenin Moreno (who had been vice president until to the displacement of Correa) in the government. .

Thus ended 14 years of reign of factions linked to the political project of the choreism, whose leader has been very close on several occasions to the current Argentine vice-president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and previously also to Néstor Kirchner.

On July 28, the first meeting between the two leaders finally took place and this is where this visit began to take place.. They coincided at the Westin Hotel in Lima during Pedro Castillo’s accession to the Peruvian presidency. With his Chancellor Solá, Fernández spoke with Lasso, with his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mauricio montalvo, the Secretary General of the Presidency of Ecuador, Ralph Suástegui Brborich and the presidential adviser, Aparicio Caicedo Castillo.

At the end of this meeting, the Argentinian president underlined that with his Ecuadorian counterpart, they had “a very common vision of the need for Latin America to integrate further and to once again constitute a space of unity. where we can discuss the problems we have. “

And he felt that it was “a meeting that has been far more than productive even when many stop us in different paths, the truth is that the differences are not that many when it comes to seeing how we narrow them down. objectives, and we must manage to respect each other in diversity and to work together for what Latin America needs, that is to say to create a space where we can discuss our destiny ”.

Now they will try to deepen this relationship. One of the issues they will address will certainly be the way out of the coronavirus pandemic which has severely affected the economy of both countries.

The last time he was abroad, in Lima, Alberto Fernández spent a week of isolation although he was exempt from it. We will have to wait if this time he and his companions will do the same.


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