Alberto sent a letter to the President-elect of Ecuador and apologized for not being able to attend his inauguration


For this reason, he assured that he had given instructions to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship to represent him “personally in the act of taking the oath and taking office”.

“The Ecuadorian people have chosen him to lead the destinies of their country”, which constitutes “a great honor and a huge responsibility that I am sure they find him more than prepared and with the firm decision to work for it. well-being of all his compatriots ”, underlined Fernández.

Likewise, he underlined in the letter that the 24th “will be one of the most important days of your life for you” and added: “I would have liked very much to be able to accompany you on this occasion”.

“I am one of those who believe that these ceremonies in which democratic governments begin their mandate should be appreciated and celebrated by all Latin Americans as examples of strengthening the full validity of the rule of law that we pursue in our region for so long. many years, ”he said.

After which, he added: “It is not escaped to you that our nations are going through enormous difficulties which have increased as a result of this pandemic. Many of these difficulties which go back so many years are common to both countries and I am convinced that we can explore the means of being able to face them in unity ”, while reiterating to Lasso his“ strongest will to work together ”.

“Know that in the south of our America, there is another president who subscribed to the maxim of Pope Francis: no one is saved alone”, the Head of State reminded him and said goodbye to him ” with affection and respect ”.

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