Aldo Rico: "Even the President can not stop me from parading" | Chronic


Aldo Rico He spoke of the Independence Day military parade that took place last Tuesday in Palermo and stated that no one could forbid him to participate in such a tribute, not even the president. Mauricio Macri.

"I am a Falklands veteran and the president can not stop me from parading, if I wish, and I have already done so many times", he said, after attending the event, sparked controversy

Rico, who in 1987 led a military uprising against the government of Raúl Alfonsín, said that his participation in the parade "it is not related" with his performance in this military coup, but with his veteran Malvinas character.

READ MORE: Aguad is excused for saying that "the uprising of the carapintada was something small"

"No one here complains that a guerrilla fighter, a former guerrilla, montonero, is a candidate, but it bothers that a Malvinas veteran is marching past"He criticized and added that: "I was a conventional voter, I was twice Mayor of San Miguel and people voted for me in the same way that they applauded me yesterday and that". they applauded me the other time, two years ago, when I walked for the first time ".

Consulted on this experience "Carapintadas" who marked his career, considered that it was not "an uprising" but one "uprising"which is framed in "a crime of strictly military order".

"The crime against the political order is called rebellion and no one has accused me of rebellion, not even President (Raúl) Alfonsín", he said.

In statements to Radio with your, Rico said that he did not claim this armed action, but said that "in the same conditions I would do it again".

Finally, he hinted that he was supporting the Cambiemos government, not for its identification with macrismo, but for its anti-Kirchner status.

"I'm not a macrista, but I'm anti-Kirchner, I hope criminals will not come back"he concluded.


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