Alert for 44 young people who returned from a Mexican graduate trip with COVID-19


Given the circulation of new strains of the virus, the Nation's Health Ministry is discouraging travel abroad (Photo / Gustavo Gavotti)
Given the circulation of new strains of the virus, the Nation’s Health Ministry is discouraging travel abroad (Photo / Gustavo Gavotti)

After 44 of 149 young people who returned from a graduate study trip to Mexico tested positive for the coronavirus, the health ministry reiterated the recommendation that Argentines limit travel abroad as much as possible.. As reported by the health portfolio, these are young residents of the City and province of Buenos Aires returning from Cancun.

The news raised alarm in the government, which yesterday not only decided to extend the social, preventive and compulsory distance (DISPO) until April 9, but also announced that they will limit flights to Europe, the United States, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico and Chile.

As for the group of teens who tested positive for COVID-19, different control measures were available. To begin, The National Migration Directorate was asked to provide a full list of passengers on the flight, identify their close contacts, initiate contact tracing and strictly monitor the mandatory quarantine of everyone., by each of the jurisdictions where the young people reside.

Parallel, PCR positive samples were sent to the national reference laboratory, Anlis-Malbrán, for their genomic sequencing of SARS-CoV-2, in order to monitor possible variants of the virus..

Positive COVID-19 samples from adolescents who arrived on a graduate study trip from Cancun, Mexico have been sent to the National Reference Laboratory, Anlis-Malbrán, to monitor for possible variants of the virus (Photo: Alejandro Belvedere / Telam / tlp)
Positive COVID-19 samples from adolescents who arrived on a graduate study trip from Cancun, Mexico have been sent to the National Reference Laboratory, Anlis-Malbrán, to monitor for possible variants of the virus (Photo: Alejandro Belvedere / Telam / tlp)

Taking into account the international epidemiological situation, in relation to the circulation of new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and the risk of their transmission in our country, Government discourages international travel for non-essential reasons.

In addition, Anyone leaving Argentina must submit a negative PCR test within 72 hours of shipment. Upon arrival in the country, you must quarantine yourself for 10 days from the negative PCR, which is also mandatory. In addition, he must comply with the recommendations defined by the courts in matters of entry from abroad.

Regarding the new variants of COVID-19, they have been globally identified three special interest, which have already generated community transmission in many countries on different continents.

These three variants are B.1.1.7 (originally detected in UK), P1 (originally detected in Manaus, Brazil) and the variant 501Y.V2 (originally detected in South Africa).

Area 10 of the Chacarita cemetery was intended for the burial of the dead from COVID-19 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  (EFE Photo / Demian Alday Estévez / File)
Area 10 of the Chacarita cemetery was intended for the burial of the dead from COVID-19 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (EFE Photo / Demian Alday Estévez / File)

A year after the start of the pandemic, the Nation’s Ministry of Health ensures that they are carrying out the most important vaccination plan in history and that they continue to work to ensure that all Argentines are vaccinated against COVID-19.

The Minister of Health of the Nation, Carla Vizzotti, reported this afternoon that the distribution of a total of 399,000 doses of component 1 of the Sputnik V vaccine has started in all provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires with the aim of continuing the vaccination plan to combat the COVID-19 and support the inoculation of people over 70 years of age.

The 399,000 doses will reach all jurisdictions between today and tomorrow. With this new game, added to the 3,418,965 registered to date, 3.8 million doses sent to all provinces will be reached this weekend in the coming days.


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