Alert for a case of influenza A in Rosario


  Alert for a case of influenza A in Rosario

The Ministry of Health of Santa Fe confirmed a case of influenza A in Rosario in a 32-year-old pregnant woman who had been asked to vaccinate, but without success

According to website, Soledad Guerrero, epidemiology of the province, explained that the woman, pregnant for 21 weeks, was admitted to the emergency hospital Clemente Álvarez (Heca) and that in this establishment "We do not know why she was not vaccinated at the time of detection of the disease," added Guerrero with respect to the patient, who in addition to 39, being pregnant, is also diabetic and possibly asthmatic, all the conditions for which vaccination is free. And he pointed out that the vaccine can be applied to any trimester of pregnancy

The professional recalled what groups at risk to vaccinate: children under 6 to 24 months, pregnant women , people over 65 years old and 64 years old with chronic diseases.

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