Alert in Paraguay due to the emergence of an armed group formed by indigenous peoples | Chronic


The Government of Paraguay has acknowledged this fact, which is investigating "made new" the denunciations relating to the appearance of an armed group until then unknown and probably composed of natives who claimed the murder of a Brazilian foreman in the l '; is from the country.

The killing of the Brazilian, a farm administrator, was committed Monday night in the vicinity of Pedro Juan Caballero, a border town of Brazil, said a statement from the command of Paraguay's internal defense operations.

About twenty men armed with long and short arms, probably belonging to the unknown native brigade against rogue thugs, attacked the farm in order to kill the administrator, identified as being Avelino Camargo.

In addition, they burned agricultural machinery, vehicles and ranch additions, according to a statement quoted by the news agency. EFE.

The information was confirmed by the Command of Internal Defense Operations (CODI) in a statement in which it was mentioned that the Ñandu ranch foreman had been killed by the attacking group.

"The presence of indigenous peoples is a new fact, we must recognize it", the Minister of the Interior of Paraguay told the press, Juan Ernesto Villamayor.

The official explained that in the area where the attack took place there is a conflict "between estancieros and indigenous groups", but clarified that all information will be badyzed "with caution".

Villamayor also badured that, for the time being, it has not been confirmed that among the attackers were persons "indigenous features"version provided by alleged witnesses of the attack and also attributed to the military personnel.

These testimonies added that the attackers were bare-headed and wearing camouflage uniforms.

Before leaving, the group left several pamphlets signed by the "Aboriginal Brigade against the thugs of the stay", a group that for the government was until now completely unknown.

The media and the Paraguayan military authorities have speculated on the possible links between this group and the guerrilla group of the Paraguayan People's Army (EPP), which has always attacked farms that use agro-toxins in their soybean plantations. .

The biggest Luis Apesteguía, a spokesman for the Joint Task Force (FTC), told Paraguayan radio that he already had information in advance, according to which "an area of ​​the indigenous community works with the EPP", something that the government claims not to take for granted.

Minister Villamayor also ruled out the EPP's inclusion of indigenous peoples in his ranks, although he stressed that "Security teams must work on confirmed facts".

The EPP has been very active, resulting in the extortion of contractors dedicated to the exploitation of agricultural properties, with the proceeds of which they finance their actions.

Last week, the National Police NCO's EPP completed his five-year kidnapping Edelio Morínigo, gone since.

The government also does not know where the farmer Felix Urbieta, who was kidnapped in October 2016 by a split faction of the EPP, is.


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