Alert on inadequate implementation of Abdala, Soberana 2 and EpicVacCorona vaccines in Venezuela


Venezuela: Questions about the establishment of candidate vaccines against COVID-19 multiply (PHOTO: EFE)
Venezuela: Questions about the establishment of candidate vaccines against COVID-19 multiply (PHOTO: EFE)

The Venezuelan Society of Infectology (SVI) warned against the misuse of drugs Abdala, Soberana 2 and EpicVacCorona, applied as coronavirus vaccines in this country.

“It should be noted that Abdala, Soberana 2 and EpicVacCorona are currently considered vaccine candidates. So far, they have not published their results in peer-reviewed scientific journals “, indicates a statement released this Friday by the organization.

The local entity reiterated that in the case of Abdala, “The regulatory authority for drugs, equipment and medical devices in Cuba, until 6/30/2021 had not formally authorized its emergency use.”

The international medical community still does not trust the Cuban vaccine candidate (PHOTO: REUTERS)
The international medical community still does not trust the Cuban vaccine candidate (PHOTO: REUTERS)

Same, Until today, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has urged that the candidate vaccine data be submitted for evaluations by the World Health Organization (WHO).

According to infectologists, drugs should not be administered as part of a mass vaccination program. “They could only be used under the clinical trial modality, with the selection of volunteers who sign an informed consent to participate in a study with scientific and ethical endorsement,” the text specifies.


Alarms from medical associations in Venezuela, They rekindled after dictator Nicolás Maduro expressed his expectation to launch the vaccination plan for children and adolescents next October. with candidate vaccines available in that country.

Every day, long lines of people wait to be vaccinated at vaccination centers across the country (PHOTO: REUTERS)
Every day, long lines of people wait to be vaccinated at vaccination centers across the country (PHOTO: REUTERS)

Regarding this subject, The SlV recalled that vaccination in adolescents is only authorized with the drugs Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna, in people over 12 years old by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and EMA (European Medicines Agency). But none of these antigens are available in Venezuela.

“It is imperative to do the right thing under a direction based on science, evidence and technical aspects”, limits the organism.


“Thank goodness for the vaccine!” Exclaimed Nelly Parado, 44, after receiving the drug. The woman has been detained for nearly two years at the National Institute for Women’s Orientation (INOF), a prison located in Los Teques (State of Miranda), about 30 km from Caracas.

Venezuela is one of the worst countries in the COVID-19 vaccination rankings in the world (PHOTO: EFE)
Venezuela is one of the worst countries in the COVID-19 vaccination rankings in the world (PHOTO: EFE)

While On the outskirts of vaccination centers across the country, long lines of people line up hoping to receive the drug. Many of them have to come back two or three times until they are “happily” vaccinated.

About 500 women deprived of their liberty in Venezuela received the first dose of the covid-19 vaccine on Friday, as part of a plan to vaccinate the overcrowded prison population in this country.

The operation follows another carried out at the end of June in a men’s prison in the capital.

It is estimated that in Venezuela there are around 100,000 people deprived of their liberty, 40,000 of whom are held in prisons with a capacity of 30,000 inmates. Overcrowding in pre-trial detention centers, mainly police stations, exceeds 200%. These conditions make almost impossible to practice any type of preventive protocol against the pandemic.

(With information from AFP)


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Maduro’s regime wants Cuban Abdala vaccine to be applied to children in October

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