Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “I thought I was going to die” | …


The Democratic Member of the United States House of Representatives, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, recounted how he experienced the day that supporters of President Donald Trump invaded the Capitol. “I thought I was going to die”said the young politician representing New York State.

“I had a very traumatic event and I’m not sure if I can fully disclose all the details of this event due to security concerns.. But I can tell you that I had a close encounter in which I thought I was going to die, ”Ocasio-Cortez said live Tuesday on his Instagram account.

“I didn’t know if at the end of the day I was going to be alive and I’m not saying it in general, but in a very, very specific sense,” added the MP, who argued that “Many of us narrowly escaped death” and that “there was a feeling that there was something wrong from the inside.”

Many Democrats they denounced -Especially as videos of the attack were broadcast- that Trumpist activists were assisted by security forces and Capitol Hill workers in entering and seizing the facilities where a bicameral session was held to confirm the outcome of the November presidential elections.

Democratic MK Mikie Sherrill said on her social media she saw her Republican peers make a “reconnaissance tour” from Capitol Hill to Trump supporters, although she has not presented any evidence to confirm the collaboration.

Ocasio-Cortez maintained that there were “acts of heroism” on the part of the workers of the Capitol, but also “acts of treason”. “Running on Capitol Hill and not knowing if a security guard is there to help or harm you is also traumatic,” he said.

The congresswoman said she did not feel safe evacuating the room she was in and He resisted taking refuge with Republican officials for fear they would reveal his whereabouts and “create opportunities for me to be hurt.”

Live, Ocasio-Cortez reiterated the demand of several Democratic Party members who demanded that Trump be removed from office before the transfer of command on January 20.

Likewise, the congresswoman assured that members of congress who collaborated with Trump in attempting to illegally overturn the election result are responsible for the unrest in the Capitol and the deaths of five people and must resign. Specially, Ocasio-Cortez has targeted Republican Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley.


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