Alfredo Vitolo, the antidecret who stays in his …


The Day of Action for the Right to a Legal and Safe Abortion, for which Pañuelazos was called across the country, began with good news. Due to criticism of Constitutionalist lawyer Alfredo Vitolo who claimed to hold one of the vacant posts on the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the Government decided to backtrack and confirm that his application was refused. In addition to repudiation for defending the doctrines of forgiveness with the military detained for crimes against humanity, Vitolo was harshly interrogated for her position against the termination of pregnancy, even in case of rape.

From the Secretariat for Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism confirmed to this newspaper that the candidacy of Alfredo Vitolo had been withdrawn, although they did not want to detail the reasons for it. A few days ago, when the candidacy was announced, women 's organizations and human rights representatives recalled that the constitutional lawyer had ruled against abortion in case of rape during the debate in Congress.

"I recommend to the Senate the rejection of this project so that we can then work together on a pro – active and pro – life project," said the lawyer to Senators at the beginning of his speech in the debate about the project. voluntary termination of pregnancy the project had a half-sanction.

In his speech, Vitolo justified his position against abortion by defending the existence of life from conception. "Personally, I believe that in case of risk of life of the woman, life against life, the legislator can conquer, even if it is not desirable, the right to life of the mother But in other cases, I think it has become unconstitutional, "the lawyer replied to a question. With the latter, Vitolo suggested that his position was contrary to the decision of the Supreme Court, FAL, that the legal interruption of pregnancy (ILE), non-punishable abortion, also applies in case of rape.

The Permanent Assembly of Human Rights (APDH) considered as a "relief" the decision of the government to withdraw the candidacy of Vitolo for his "contrary position" with what they considered as fundamental principles and rights. "Alfredo Vitolo, in his many statements supporting the pardon of the military, ignored or even contradicted some fundamental postulates of the Memory, Truth and Justice paradigm, whose condemnations of crimes committed under the military dictatorship have placed Argentina at the highest level. genocide, "María Elena Naddeo, president of the agency, told PáginaI.

The leader also highlighted the question asked by the constitutional lawyer about the FAL decision, which established the interpretation of the Penal Code regarding the legality of abortion in cases of rape. "These conservative positions on badual and reproductive rights within a member of the IACHR would undermine the progressive action for human rights and would represent a huge setback for the resolutions of the IHR. Organization, "Naddeo said.

Since the campaign for the right to legal, safe and free abortion, they celebrated the fact that the government had abandoned the postulate of Vitolo, but they preferred to remain cautious until the decision was not confirmed by official communication to the OAS. "We are witnessing an attempt to demobilize the pressure and attack against the demand of the women's movement, so we prefer to remain cautious and receive the official letter from the ministry," they said during the campaign, confirming that In the meantime, they would continue to sign attorney signatures

"For March 8 and 24, it is dangerous to consider a candidate with these characteristics, Argentina has a long tradition in the defense of human rights," criticized the campaign and described as "extremely dangerous "the position of the lawyer concerning the decision of the FAL. "Necessarily, you have to delete this application," they pointed out.

The Argentinian LGBT Federation has also criticized the appointment of Vitolo. "He has clearly expressed his support for the mobilizations of anti-rights groups who are lobbying, together with the Catholic Church and other conservative groups, so that pregnant women in our country can not have access to legal abortion, safe and free, "they said. The Federation also denounced the fact that Vitolo considers LGBT people to be "sick people".

Criticism of the demand has angered the scarf groups who denounced the "abortion and LGBT" groups in an effort to launch a campaign to prevent "the government's decision to offer a highly qualified professional ". According to the religious and pro-life organizations, as they call themselves, Vitolo represents "the majority feeling of the Argentine society in favor of the right to life for all". "The anti-rights movement and pressure on the executive itself," criticized the campaign addressed to the ministry to ask the government not to lift the disputed presentation.


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