Alicia Barrios: Fulop must read, speak with authority, no goose


The actress criticized Francisco for his stance on the conflict in Venezuela.

February 4, 2019

After the actress Catherine Fulop criticize the dad Francisco Because of her position on the conflict in Venezuela, the journalist Alicia BarriosAs a friend of the sovereign pontiff, he replied to the model with a hard article.

Through a text on the portal Infobae, Barrios attacked the small training of Fulop: "Fulop, we must read, inform ourselves, speak with authority, not by voice, the pope is obliged to attend the spiritual life of all inhabitants, regardless of the country where they are located."

He continued: "The Venezuelan people's spiritual life is exacerbated by the internal conflicts they themselves provoked over the course of history.. It's never too late to learn, Fulop. There is always time. The spiritual leader of Catholics can not take sides with one or the other. "

In this sense, the journalist friend of the Pope said: "This is not about Maduro or Guaidó, Fulop, you have to be educated, it is not a staging, a cosmetic surgery , it's a serious problem.

"It is ridiculous to ask the pope to support one or the other." Beyond Maduro or Guaidó, these are the segments of the Venezuelan population. Those who have enriched themselves with effort and hard work. Many others as a result of corruption. A very corrupt country, "he said.

Finally, Barrios pointed out that Fulop "should know that the pope is the spiritual leader of the Catholic Church, but also the highest authority of the Vatican State, from which he can not s'. interfering in the internal affairs of a country ".


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