Alicia Castro faced a Venezuelan political express: "It's the most grotesque state coup I've seen"


Alicia Castro

, ambbadador of Argentina to London and Caracas during Kirchnerism, met, in the program of which I speak, Marcelo Crovato, a political express who managed to escape


. "I have no doubt that it's a grotesque state coup, with the United States, perhaps the most grotesque we've seen in history." of humanity, "he said.

the reality lived in the Caribbean country


For the former deputy, "normally all coups in Latin America were sponsored and funded by the United States". And it went further: "At the School of the Americas, they were masters of the torturers of our soldiers of the genocidal civil-military dictatorship".

Castro said that "Macri is the worst president of democracy" and said: "I do not want the Venezuelan people to have an opinion about Argentina, what we need to do or about the government we need to have.
a coup d'etat. "He also said that, for her," what happens in Venezuela is an internal matter of Venezuelans ".

The program was also Marcelo Crovato, who managed to escape from prison in Venezuela and came to live in Argentina. "Argentina has asked for help for the military dictatorship. Should we let the army kill them all or should we help them?" You asked me, "he asked Castro, and ironically," We'd better not get involved and kill them all. " it seems?".

Castro reproached him for "praising" the Americans who had taken part in the conflict. "Look in the mirror of Libya, Syria or Afghanistan," he said. Crovato replied, "We are looking at ourselves in our own mirror and we are going to eliminate the dictator and the genocide.We have tens of thousands of people killed by the government because they were opponents. And, in Venezuela, they simply die during robberies.So, "more than one" have disappeared.For him, "the genocide of

[Nicolás] Maduro

"It's comparable, even, to Adolf Hitler's.

With firmness, the Venezuelan shot: "If you like dictatorships, I congratulate you, I do not like them, if you defend dictatorships, what can we expect?" In view of this, Castro replied that "defends the self-determination of the people".

Crovato also recounted how he managed to escape from prison. "I took advantage of the failures of the custody, I had completely taken the time to do it and I knew when I could enjoy the carelessness of the guard for me." to escape from the building, "he said, before continuing:" The cameras had measurements Everything, nobody noticed until I arrived at the border. "His parents are still there and they learned from justice that he had managed to escape.


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