“Aliens don’t see us ready to make contact” | the Chronicle


For Marcelo Peralta Martinez
[email protected]

“Human beings are not yet prepared for an encounter with extraterrestrials”. The shocking phrase was revealed by Haim eshed, professor and retired general of the Israeli army, who during an interview made strong statements, which mobilized more than one.

So, to a media outlet in his country, Eshed said that Donald trump He was about to say that the extraterrestrials have asked not to announce their presence because humanity is not yet ready, while fearing a reaction of mass hysteria among the Earth’s population.

In connection

According to Eshed, who performed special tasks from 1981 to 2011 and is the former head of Israel’s space security program, his country and the United States have been in communication with aliens for several years. However, he clarified that “they do not want to be identified because humanity is not yet ready”.

The expert, who was able to win three accolades for his functions during the aforementioned years, was twice put forward for his confidential technological inventions, detailed in Yedioth Ahronoth: “The President of the United States, Donald Trump was on the point to disclose the situation, but the aliens in the Galactic Federation say to wait, people calm down first. They don’t want to start mass hysteria. “First, they want to prepare us to have a better understanding,” Eshed explained after his words went viral around the world and his name was on the front page.

“They waited for humanity to evolve and reach a stage where we generally understand what space and spaceships are. There is an agreement between the government of the United States
two and aliens. They signed a contract with us to carry out experiments here, ”noted the specialist.

More details

“They want us to help each other. There is an underground base in the depths of Mars, where their representatives are located, as well as American astronauts, ”he said after referring to the fact that the aliens are also investigating and trying to understand the whole fabric. of the universe.

Of course, in the vision he describes, being his “helpers” already lowers us in oneself. Of his remarkable revelation, Eshed said: “I have nothing to lose. I am 87 years old and have received my diplomas and awards, I am respected in universities abroad, where the old policies of ridicule and denial of the phenomenon are also changing.”

Finally, he assured that: “If I had said this just five years ago, they would have hospitalized me and told me I was out of my mind. Today, the situation is different, the subject is already debated in a different way ”.

Pending accounts

Now, knowing these words, it is worth considering if Eshed’s words are, as we all assume, believable, we need to understand much better the continuous revelations which are slowly giving clues to the existence of entities. extraterrestrials that inhabit the universe.

Although his revelations, for the moment, are still diffuse, unclear, and that he also does not speak of one or more races, which is much more likely, it is therefore ruled out that the agreement between the Americans must to be with a more advanced civilization. than ours, but certainly not the only one.

And as to the experiences that these beings would have or would have with human beings, the question remains: did they make a hybrid that currently lives among us? Count more, Professor Eshed …

An impeccable record: Haim Eshed, a highly educated man

Retired general, pilot and flight instructor, as well as the founder of Israel’s space security program Haim Eshed began his career in 1965 as part of the technology unit of the Defense Forces Intelligence Division Israelis (IDF) in development and research tasks. Four years later, he was sent to the United States for a doctorate in aeronautical engineering and was subsequently promoted to head of the research and development department of the Intelligence Corps.

At the end of 1979, he retired as a lieutenant colonel. He started working as a professor of aeronautics and astronautics at the Technion Space Research Institute. In 1981, he founded and directed the Israel Administration’s Challenge Program for Research, Arms Development and Technological Infrastructure. He led the launch of 20 satellites and was part of the Israeli Defense Ministry, which he left in October 2011.

He is a fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and this year published the book “The Universe Beyond the Horizon: Conversations with Professor Eshed”.

The book of the Israeli expert.


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