Aligned with Washington | After the decree of Macri …


Finally, another reason for the urgency for the Mauricio Macri government to declare the Lebanese Hezbollah movement a "terrorist organization" was unveiled today. The government of The United States has officially accused one of the leaders of this Lebanese movement, Salman Raouf Salman, as the intellectual author of the attack against the AMIA, which he was yesterday 25 years old.

The announcement of the identification of the alleged perpetrator of the 1994 attack was made while the anti-terrorist summit takes place in the city of Buenos Aires the pompously promoted by the Cambiemos government and in the presence of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

In addition to identifying Salman Raouf Salman, the State Department reported that offers a $ 7 million reward for information on where it is located, and the US Treasury has announced the freezing of all the badets of the suspect.

The sanction is a prohibition to transact in the US financial system on its behalf or that of Hezbolla. And according to Sigal Mandelker, Under-Secretary of the Treasury in charge of the fight against terrorism, Salman "coordinated a devastating attack in Buenos Aires, Argentina, against the largest Jewish center in South America Twenty-five years ago, and since then, he has led terrorist operations in the Hemisphere for Hezbollah. "

The guns against the Lebanese organization have been activated in the last days, when President Mauricio Macri described the movement as "terrorist", which is also a political party in the Republic of Lebanon. The formal conviction occurred yesterday when a decree created the Public Register of Persons or Entities Related to Terrorist Acts (Repet), which includes Hezbollah among its lists.

Measurement had the approval of the Mutuales Israelitas Argentina Association (AMIA), whose President, Ariel Eichbaum, at the tribute yesterday, celebrated the creation of the register and ratified his accusation against the Islamic organization and the Republic of Iran as guilty of the death penalty. Explosion of the building on Pasteur Street.

The corollary of the conviction came this morning from Washington and had a public resonance in Buenos Aires at a time when Mike Pompeo and Argentine Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie will visit the AMIA headquarters in the Once districtand have been received by the highest authorities of this entity, including Eichbaum.


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