All actions for annulment filed by Keiko …


The 35 special electoral juries from Peru they finished firing all actions for annulment which were presented by the Popular Force party, led by Keiko Fujimori, against the results of the elections where the leftist candidate Pedro Castillo was narrowly victorious.

Because the 943 requests were declared inadmissible and unfounded, at the direction of derecha solo le quedan dos vías para intentar revertir su derrota: elevar un recurso de hábeas data para access to los padrones electorales y una demanda presentada por un exjuez cercano que busca declarar nula toda la segunda vuelta que tuvo lugar el 6 of June.

The Special Electoral Jury (JEE) of the city of Huancavelica was the last to consider the 21 pending annulment appeals unfounded, a decision that was published this Friday evening on the virtual platform of the National Election Jury (JNE), reported the daily The Republic.

Thus, the various special electoral juries ended up ruling out any approach to what could be considered as fraud., a situation that Fujimori denounced, but without success.

These 943 appeals for annulment were hardly rejected at first instance, Force Populaire started handling appeals for cases to be examined by the plenary session of the JNE, the final electoral justice body.

The legislation establishes a three-day deadline for the processing of appeals, then the plenary session of the JNE must examine the briefs to decide, which could prolong the uncertainty for more than a week, according to the press agency Europe Press.

In addition to these recourse to the electoral authority, Popular Force is also promoting legal action to try to reverse the outcome. On the one hand, he announced habeas data against the National Office for Electoral Processes (ONPE) in order to access the electoral lists.

Former Minister of Justice Ana Neyra stressed that while the authorities recognize the “right of access to public information”, they also defend the “protection of personal data, which cannot be shared with a political party”. “You cannot give out personal information such as address, fingerprints or a photo,” Neyra said.

Popular Force presented a constitutional action by lawyer and former judge Javier Villa Stein, known for his closeness to Fujimori. In this amparo action, the cancellation of the second round was requested and that “accordingly, he is ordered to repeat the said electoral process”.

This is a request similar to that already made by two groups of retired military personnel in recent weeks, a situation that has sparked wide rejection from the government, various social organizations and the sector allied to Castillo, who launched this Saturday a call to go out in the street to defend the result of the polls.

The judicial request of the former judge close to Fujimori assures that there were false signatures of the members of the polling station, an idea which has already been rejected by the special electoral juries. Likewise, the amparo calls into question that these special juries hesitated to rule on the merits in most actions for annulment, since they were presented out of time.


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