All alert: The shameful reason why Marcos Peña hides information in Macri


In a column of journalist Alejandro Bercovich, it was revealed that the president was in depression because he could not defeat the country's economy. The role of Marcos Peña.

March 1, 2019

In a column of the journalist Alejandro Bercovich in the newspaper BAE, the reporter revealed a curious fact: businessmen believe President Mauricio Macri is depressed. The reason: the economic situation and the inability to get out.

Faced with this situation, they claim that one of those who "protect" the president is the chief of staff, Marcos Peña How Hide information to not make you feel worse.

In the same note, the morning newspaper said: "The worry began when, two weeks ago, Macri told a San Luis radio station that" inflation is already falling "and that" the economic activity will slowly improve. "The next day, INDEC announced that the consumer price index (CPI) had risen by 2.9% in January, compared with 2.6% in December. Not only did inflation not retreat but it accelerated to unprecedented levels for an economy with so few pesos in circulation. That 2.9% in January, to speak of regional perspective, was higher than the inflation recorded by Chile, Peru or Bolivia in 2018. And worse, the 49.3% that marked the year. INDEC in the January interannual comparison will exceed 50% in February, overlapping tariffs for electricity, gas and transport ".

To integrate

The other presidential prediction – "slowly, the activity will improve" – ​​was reported by another official report: the INDEC had calculated the day before yesterday that GDP had fallen by 2 , 6% in 2018 and left a statistical drag of 3% negative for this year. Without counting this trail, Macri closed his first 36 months of office with the worst indicators since crack 2001/2002: On average, the economy contracted by 1% a year and inflation by 32% a year. During Cristina Kirchner's first term, GDP grew by 4% per year and inflation (measured by provincial institutes) by 20% per year. The four-year period 2011-2015 left zero growth between points and average inflation of 27% per year. The greatest contrast is with Néstor Kirchner's mandate: average annual growth of 9% and inflation of just 10% per year.

Official data contradict this and the disenchantment of companies. According to the publication, the business world observes that Macri's actions respond to a possible depression and amateur errors, to an environment that does not tell the truth. up Nicky Caputofriend of the soul travels abroad for not having to suffer the rancor more and more common of the head of state.


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